Thursday, December 22, 2011


Testimonies of encouragement that Duke and Evan have received off late

Duke Anna, The acronym ‘Numbers’ you used to outline the message of the book of Numbers - I listened to such a thing for the first time. – A Young Man working with Dell

Uncle Duke, now you are my inspiration for everything.....Never knew that you were so realistic..... That's really great.....

Wow.... ♥ ♥ Dats da most romantic story I’ve ever heard anna ♥ ♥

- Two comments by two young people after they read Duke’s article, “How I Met And Married My Wife!” which is part of his book, STRAIGHT TALK, on FaceBook.

Thanks Brother Duke. The poems were so creative and insightful that I felt inspired to circulate to everyone in my mailing list (by God's grace about 2000 including some outside Christian faith) after doing some slight value addition (addition of relevant pics) . I have incorporated one part of your 3 WC related poems in my essay on the WC triumph. – A writer of repute living in Hyderabad

Dear Brother Duke, All glory to Jesus that He has anointed you to deliver his messages that are very much pressingly relevant these days. The topics many preachers do not dare to even think about, the topics many fail to address, you preach those very topics to the crowd frankly! It will help many people surely to come out of their secret sins and be a useful in hands of the Saviour. – A viewer of Duke’s message clips on sex, love, marriage and more on

I came with a heavy burden for the Bible Study meeting at your base. Now everything has gone away. God spoke to me through each and every word you spoke today. I also had severe stomach pain while on the way. God healed that pain. I am totally okay. – A Young Man working for a corporate company in Hyderabad

Duke, We are always blessed by your messages - especially the ones related to the Cricket World Cup:) – an Indian young couple living in the US

Duke, It is amazing to see the way God is using you and Evangeline. Sometimes it makes me very proud that I know you personally. - a postdoctoral research scholar of Indian origin in the US

Duke, After seeing your programs on YouTube in the Islamic Nation I work in, the locals allow us to have prayer in our project work premises! – A YouTube Viewer writing-in from an Islamic Nation

Duke, I listened to the DVD of yours with the message on Relationships with one’s parents, patrons, peers and pair. Liked all the examples you have quoted in that message. You have the anointing to be able to link it so well! This message will fit our topic on relationships in the Value Education curriculum of the School I teach in. – a volunteer Teacher writing in from an Indian city.

Dear Evangelin Akka, Your article, 'Are you desperate for a miracle?' was amazing. – a college student from Chennai

Dear Sister Evan, I was there for that message and I tell you that it was an amazing one! A life transforming one and I think you should give more messages like that! – A college principal in Hyderabad who listened to Evan speak the message, FROM REJECT TO A MAGNET, shared with the women of the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad, March 2011


God has enabled the G4 Mission to produce the following four resources that would bless the Google Generation: 1. Message CDs - We have 35 message CDs (mainly DVDs and a few MP3 Collections) of Duke, housing about 70 daring, different, messages. Each CD is Rs.50/-; 2. Hot Topics Book - The Book, NO BEATING ABOUT THE BUSH STRAIGHT TALK, by Duke Jeyaraj throws biblical light on hot topics such as masturbation, porn, choosing one's life partner, overcoming sexual temptation, true romantic love, etc. Price - Rs.100/-; 3. Tract - A Gospel tract titled, BUBBLY OUTSIDE YET EMPTY INSIDE, by Duke is available for just Rs.2/- per tract. 4. Magazine - The magazine, THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH, is a bimonthly magazine that wraps Bible Truth around contemporary events. Annual subscription - Rs.200/- and Life Subscription - Rs.2000/-. Forwarding charges extra for Message CDs/Books/Magazines etc. Contact - +91-8886040605. Please deposit money into Duke's SBI ac no. 30024777226 (Dr. A.S. Rao Nagar Branch, Hyderabad) or ICICI Bank's ac no. 024401000969 (Dr. A. S. Rao Nagar, Hyderabad Branch) and intimate him via sms at 8886040605.


A Ministry Report of August 2011

Duke Jeyaraj was invited by Rev. Younus Samuel and Bro. Milton to speak in the Youth Alive event of the New Life AG Church called, 'God of the City' in Hyderabad. Duke preached two conscience-awakening, concise, captivating, messages in this day-long event on August 13th, 2011, for which Brother Edward Kuntam was the other speaker. The first message was titled, 'REPENT, LEST YOU BE SWEPT ALONG WITH SODOM' (a salvation call that saw 30 youth come forward). The second message was titled, 'STAYING AS SALT IN YOUR SODOM' (after this message, youth from various colleges came forward vowing to start Prayer Cells in their colleges). On August 15th, some young people who belonged to the Methodist Church of Nadiad, Gujarat, all keen readers of this magazine, invited Duke to speak in the day-long youth retreat in a church that was well over 100 years old. Duke preached 3 terrific messages from the book of Galatians on telling topics such as Salvation, Sexual Purity and Soul-winning. Stressing the urgency of coming to Christ in the one life one had, Duke thundered the name of the movie, ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA ("You will not have this life to live again!") for the day of judgement is coming soon and there will be no chance of salvation then! On his way back to Hyderabad from Gujarat, God saved Duke from what could have been a fatal accident on August 16th, 2011! Earlier in the month, Duke lead the Galatians Book summary study at his base for Google Genners using the very name of the book as a short form following a fabulous time of intimacy with God during the time of worship lead by Preeti Iona and Fru Elvis.
Duke's apt, arrow-like message that connected the theme of honesty with the Gospel was aired in All India Radio this month

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A brief May 2011 Ministry Report

Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US forces on May 1, 2011 following a surprise attack. Duke Jeyaraj took this gripping contemporary event and wrapped it around the story of the Rich Fool found in Luke 12 and preached it to various audiences he got to speak to in the month of May. He did that when he preached in the Sunday Morning service of the Assembly of God church lead by Rev. S. A. Sundarraj in Vellore. He also did that in the Duand Emmanuel Assemblies of God Youth Camp where young people from Maharashtra and Gujarat were present in one of the 5 piercing messages he preached. Duke's wife, Evan, also had a story about Osama's wife which she connected to a spiritual truth in her message about staying pure in the same camp. She also preached 3 other very practical, powerful, messages. Tears of repentance and joy in the Holy Spirit, marked the times the youngsters spent at the altar. It was indeed a joy to see young people saved, filled with the Spirit, vow to live holy, and commit for ministry in this truly wonderful youth camp for which Rev. Nana Dhar and his son, Pastor Steven Dar had lovingly invited Duke and his wife to minister. Duke shared God's Word, a word of encouragement and edification, in the church lead by Rev. Austin Carter Jones and his wife, Pastor Jothi, in Chennai, full of corporate professionals and college students, on the last Sunday of the month of May. After having finished summarizing all the 39 books of the Old Testament via small group Bible Studies, Duke crossed over to the New Testament and lead a practical summary study of the book of Romans in his Hyderabad Base one Sunday evening which revived a small group of Google Genners.


A brief April 2011 Ministry Report

India became the first country in the World to win the Cricket World Cup on home soil in April 2011. It was a deeply emotional and an unforgettable moment for millions of Indians. Following Jesus' example in Luke 13:1-5 of wrapping spiritual truths around contemporary events, Duke Jeyaraj, shared Bible Truths from India's World Cup with the following groups in the month of April: (a) a small group of working professionals (from Dell, GE, Deloitte, Google, etc) in his Hyderabad base (April 3rd), (b) 800 students of SRM College, Chennai, (c) the Sunday morning service of the Zion Pentecostal Church, Vellore, lead by Pastor Immanuel Paul (April 11th) and (d) in the Sunday evening service of the Apostolic Fellowship Tabernacle, Vellore, lead by Pastor Collin D'Cruz (April 11th). The hearers were greatly challenged and immensely blessed. Some non-believers and backsliders came back to the Lord. The church pastors deeply appreciated the Word preached. What Duke shared was converted into a DVD with Joel Joseph drafting the cover design. On March 31st and on April 30th, Duke lead a month-end mid-night prayer meeting in his Hyderabad base. A small group from various backgrounds entered the new month in God's presence. Duke encouraged those who came with a short, stirring message from the Bible. The title of one message was "What We Need To For God To Meet All Our Needs" (from Philippians 4).

Friday, November 25, 2011


A brief July 2011 report

Duke Jeyaraj on the first Sunday evening of July 2011 lead a Bible Study summarizing the entire message of the book of 2 Corinthians for a diverse group of Google Generation youth from seven different churches at his rented base in Hyderabad. While talking about the 'pure bride' that Christ will come again to take up, in this study, he referred to Prince William and Kate Middleton.The hearers were challenged by a balanced, bold, blunt, beautifully-crafted study (Duke saw it fit to put the message of 2 Corinthians was put in the format 'S-a-u-l P-a-u-l' as it was the most personal letter that Paul ever wrote). At the end of the same month, there was a month-end mid-night prayer at Duke's the same venue for which a small group that included folks from different nations, churches and corporate companies, drove long distances to participate in. Theoson Kanagaraj, our volunteer studying in England, designed the invite for this rare event. After Susan Luth, a young woman working in GE, lead in worship, Duke shared the word from Isaiah chapter 54. It was certainly a joyous time for those who came to enter the new month in God's very presence! Duke was also invited by two magazines - the Indian Missions magazine and theIndia Church Growth Quarterly magazine - to write for them in this month. And Duke obliged them. Writing remains one of Duke's primary calls. Duke's article published in the Light of Life magazine in July 2011 was interestingly titled as "Kate, Prince William, Living-In, and the Bible." Gleaning out Bible Truths from contemporary events and presenting them creatively for the Google Generation, is one of the main goals of the Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission (G4 Mission), the ministry to modern youth that Duke founded in 2006.


A brief June 2011 Ministry Report

Duke was invited by Mr. Paul Aravamuthan, the founder-leader
of the J Team Ministry to speak in a youth adventure camp that was held in the lakeside campsite of Scripture Union at Avalanche, perched atop a range of hills in Tamil Nadu during the first week of June 2011. Duke preached to a group of youngsters among them were a college professor, a medical doctor, a corporate professional and a professional photographer. Most of these youth attended the St. Georges Cathedral - the headquarters' church for the CSI in Chennai. Duke's direct and daring messages in this camp stressed the need to have a personal relationship with Jesus, to regularly meditate on the Bible, to be sexually pure, to witness for Christ, etc, greatly challenged this group. Holy decisions were made. "I want to be a missionary!" was one of the them. Duke also took part in various adventure sports along with the youth as part of this camp!

In the monthly Bible study that took place at his base in Hyderabad on 5 June 2011, Duke summarized the message of the book of I Corinthians using the very name of the book as an outline. He referred to actor Shah Rukh Khan's statement in
a section of his message that called for a break from smoking and boozing. For an entire working week during June 2011, Duke was in Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore, studying a course on Kingdom Leadership taught by three different teachers, including Dr. John Higgins, the respected Assemblies of God leader from whom he received the M. Div. degree Gold Medal 10 years ago. Upon finishing this course, Duke will have his Doctor of Ministry degree.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Evan and Duke will be ministering in Lonavala to a church group in Mumbai - the English section of the Gateway International Ministries during the Diwali holidays (October 25-28). The theme is 'Bearing Fruits That Count for Eternity'. For more details contact Bro. Issac Abel at 9819492775.

On the October 15th, a Saturday, God willing, Duke speaks to the Wipro Fellowship in the Scripture Union Campsite in Chennai. Please pray. Duke will teach on topics such as Finding Purpose in Life, witnessing to the Google Gen, winning over temptation in the corporate world context, etc. For more details contact Edwin at 9962152277.

On October 16th, a Sunday, Duke will lead a Bible Study at the ministry Base of G4 Mission just behind the Petrol Pump in Kanajiguda, Near AWHO and St. Andrews School, Old Bowenpally, Tirumalgiri, Hyderabad. The book of Philippians will be studies and its message practically summarized. "Happiness that is not controlled by Happenings" will be one topic we will focus on. "What should we do for God to Meet all our needs" is another. Come with Bible-loving buddies. This would be the 45th such Bible Study that Duke will be leading after having moved to Hyderabad in October 2005. For more details contact 8886040605.

On October 30th, a Sunday, God willing, Duke speaks in the Vizag Christian Assembly that is lead by Sis. Anitha Aidyantz in Vizag. It's a youth Sunday service. For more details please call Sis. Anitha at 9885121577.

On October 31st, a Monday, and the day on which Duke will celebrate his 37th Birthday (God willing) there will be a midnight, month-end service at the ministry Base of G4 Mission just behind the Petrol Pump in Kanajiguda, Near AWHO and St. Andrews School, Old Bowenpally, Tirumalgiri, Hyderabad from 11:30 pm to 12:30 am. Join in! A promise message from the Bible to encourage all those who come will be shared by Duke. For more details please call Duke at 8886040605.

Prayer can do anything, God can do! So pray! You can either be a spectator or player! So play!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


On January 26, 2010, Duke Jeyaraj, preached in the Bethel City Cathedral, a leading church in the city of Coimbatore upon the invitation of Rev. Terry Pragasam. 1600 young people from various parts of the city and the state of Tamil Nadu showed up, despite having the option of attending other events in the city featuring leading speakers. In his first message, Duke called for sexual purity by preaching a message on this not-often-openly-talked-about subject, from the Bible, using presentday illustrations, without beating about the bush. Surprisingly, when Duke, moved by the Spirit, called those who were repenting from sexual sin to come forward after this talk, there were rows of young men and women, who came forward! A powerful time of commitment followed. Just before lunch, Duke preached yet another message. The Bible text he chose was from Psalm 78. Starting with a story from George Bush Jr.'s autobiography, He went on to talk about Ephraim who turned back on the day of battle. In this very practical message, he outlined ways to overcome temptation without turning back. And as the Spirit lead him to do so, Duke finished with a energetic ministry involvement challenge. When the clarion call for ministry involvement (presently, whereever one was) and fulltime ministry (down the line) was given, over 70 per cent of the audience responded! The move of God was unmistakable in that meeting which also featured the message and music of Bro. Isaac Joe! After this meeting, Duke was invited to the studio of Bethel City Cathedral to be featured in an interview on what the Bible Teaches on hot youth issues.While travelling to the city of Coimbatore by air, Duke took the opportunity to pass out his Gospel tract, "Bubbly Outside, Yet Empty Inside!" to some of the airline staff. Preaching is just one way to be a witness for Jesus, is it not?


Testimonies of encouragement that Duke and Evan have recently received for which they say, “Thank You!”

My Dear Servant of God, Brother Duke,
I was 8 when you preached in a youth camp in Germany, in the year 1998. At the age of 13 I saw the video copy of those messages for the first time. By now, I have watched those videos over 100 times to speak the truth! I am so blessed! We hardly hear preaching like this, these days! – A Sri Lankan Tamil Pastor writing from Germany.

Note – The 9 messages that Duke preached in that 1998 youth camp referred to in this email in the country of Germany are now available with us in a 3-DVD pack. Contact +91-888-604-0-605 for details.

Dear uncle Duke,
Nice to see you on YouTube. I saw 4-5 clips of yours there at The point you make in one of your YouTube videos from the book of Leviticus Chapter 18 and from 2 Samuel 11:27 to show that porn-watching displeases God really touched me. I got the confirmation that porn-watching is indeed a sin. – A Young YouTube User.

I got your book, STRAIGHT TALK, from one of my friends in India. It is mind-blowing. I gave to one of my friends in Italy. She emailed me to let me know that it is very useful and she wanted to her express her thanks to you. – An Indian Student in Messina, Island of Sicily, Italy.

Hi bro Duke!
I have never met you. But my sister has! Actually she's the reason I eventually heard about you! She was in this meeting you had preached in the town of Srikakulam, two years back. After she came back home from those meetings I really did see a change in her attitude and behavior toward me. She asked my dad to make photocopies of your book for her friends and I ended up having a copy as well. I am following the practical suggestions you talk about in your writings to win my battle over sexual temptation. – A 15-year old writing from Vizag, Andhra Pradesh.

After a week of packed schedule of meetings with Bro. Duke, I was urged in my spirit to write a note to you. I believe that whoever attended the meetings were truly blessed. Though I attended only few sessions the amount of impact the sessions had on me was tremendous . In the first place, I was wondering why we have to have these week-long meetings. But my mind changed when I attended the PROFIT Thursday fellowship session in which Duke outlined the message of book of Nehemiah using the acronym N-E-H-E-M-I-A-H. It was awesome. The climax came in the camp. Oh what a time we had, especially the last two sessions when Bro. Duke was recapped all the Pillar Points, he and his wife made. God spoke to me and made the whole purpose of the event very clear to me. I am so much encouraged by the fact that GOD is taking our Fellowship into a new Level and giving us newer dimensions. I know how we started very small in Cuff Road (in Singapore). Sometimes 10 would attend, sometimes it was just 2 people! But I was so overjoyed to see over 50 professionals attend the camp. As I was speaking to Bro.Duke personally about his ministry, he mentioned one thing which put so much burden on me and rekindled the fire in me. This is what he said: “Though I am speaking and ministering to many professionals, my access to them has now been limited , for I am no more a corporate company employee. But you have the access card to your company – something I don’t have. I cannot enter the premises of your company to conduct a spiritual meeting or to witness for Christ. But where no fulltime preacher like me can go, God has given you access to go! Use this opportunity!" Oh, my God! What a thunderbolt! Let us go after the lost in our offices without delay! – A young professional from Singapore who was part of the meetings Duke and Evan addressed there recently.

Thank you Bro. Duke and Sis. Evan for re-energizing us by revealing to us the hidden mysteries from God's word. We are truly blessed. God bless you both to be blessing to even more. Amen. – A young professional writing from Singapore.

Dear Brother Duke,
I really was blessed by your message on 5 ‘B's to beat temptation and the Tri-Relationships (parents/patrons/pair) which you shared in Christ Church, Singapore. What a practical way to defeat sin you have brought out! I am sharing your book, ‘ Straight Talk’, to my colleagues and to some of my students. It is really an eye-opener , first of all to myself. – A teacher writing from Singapore.


Duke Jeyaraj was invited to speak in the Marthoma Residential School in Tiruvalla, Kerala, by the Principal of the School, Mr. M. M. Mathew on 28th January, 2011. Duke shared God's Word in the assembly of this school, with both the students and the faculty present. He spoke from "befores" found in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12. He lead in the sinner's prayer after that penetrating message. After the assembly, Duke spoke just to the senior students from Ezekiel 23, the chapter with the story of two wayward sisters. He pointed out how these two sisters were like presentday youth and merged his presentation with the Gospel. There were teens in that group who drew closer to the Lord Jesus after Duke's frank talk. All of them were given a free copy of this magazine. Some of them were looking at Duke's book, STRAIGHT TALK, very keenly.

Duke was also invited by the prayer fellowship of the SRM College in Chennai (a bunch who were spiritually shepherded by Pastor Chadwick Mohan) to speak in a meeting hosted in a large auditorium right inside their campus on 7th April 2011. SRM is India's largest multi-stream private university. About 800 students gathered. Many there were in a meeting like that for a very first time. Speaking to a boisterous group of college students can be a challenging task. But God gave extra grace to Duke to carry this out well. Duke weaved the Gospel around magic moments of the Cricket World Cup 2011 and called for the students who wanted to give their lives to Christ to come forward in an attitude of repentence. Around 50 came forward. There was a holy hush in that swank auditorium. And these folk who came forward were lead in the sinner's prayer. Earlier that day, musician Stephen Devassy, the NLAG-Chennai Worship Band, the SRM Prayer Fellowship Worship Band also performed. The pictures of the second row were shot by Pranta Nath, a skillful photographer and one of the students of SRM College.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Duke Jeyaraj's messages, available in the video format, have blessed the Google Generation immensely. Unfortunately, none of these videos are available in the high definition formate, which is fast becoming the standard for acceptable video quality around the globe. Duke endeavors to start producing message discs of his in the 1080P HIGH DEFINITION (HD) format pretty soon.

Messages of Duke, shot through a HD Camcorder would be eventually be uploaded onto so that it becomes available to a world wide audience. Given this need, would you consider sponsoring the buying of a HD Camcorder for Duke and his ministry, the G4 Mission? Or are moved by the Holy Spirit to possibly buy one and give it to Duke? Or would you kindly pray about giving a used HD Camcorder to this ministry if you have one already and want to give it away so that you can go for an updated model?

Plus, there is also a need for a 3G-enabled TABLET (We are talking about Apple I-PAD/BlackBerry PlayBook/Motorola Xoom/Samsung Galaxy Tab,etc) for Duke and his ministry. Up-to-date communication devices like these always come in handy for greater effectiveness, reach and better sermon delivery.

Also, there is a need for a printer that prints directly on CDs for this ministry. This device will help improve the look of Duke's message CDs. A used but still-in-good-shape personal computer like an Apple I-Mac would be of great help to our ministry as our present system is constantly giving trouble.

Please pray and give as the Lord would lead you to. Thank you for taking time to read this. Feel free to contact us at this email id - or this phone number - +91-8886040605 in this regard. You could also message us at

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


For the past four years, Duke Jeyaraj,as the Lord has enabled him, has been summarizing the message of entire Bible books for groups of young working professionals from various companies (such as Deloitte, Dell, GE) and from various churches (AGies, SPG, Capstone, Methodist) in Hyderabad. So far, 41 such studies have been done on 41 different Bible books. Each time, Duke has used the name of the book as an acronym for its message. This time, on 3 July, a Sunday, at 6 PM, Duke takes up the book of 2 Corinthians, the most autobiographical book written by Paul . A gripping study awaits. Interesting topics will be covered. Join in with Bible loving buddies. Text 8886040605 for more info. Theoson-designed event invite is attached.


Duke Jeyaraj

In the middle with great resolve would he arrive, when India's first wicket does fall!
When the Indian team is in trouble, he will, 9 times out of 10, answer crisis' call!
It is not for nothing that he is nicknamed the 'wall'!
Plus, he's a world-record-holding catcher - from the grip of his safe hands, often does not slip, the cricket ball!
Into the sunset, after 15-plus years of doing battling batting Rahul Sharad Dravid, is walking tall! He is definitely a deserving member in Indian Cricket Fame's Hall!
It's true, when he bats the run-rate may, like a tortoise, crawl,
Agreed, He may not like Sehwag, entertain the audience and the senses enthrall,
But a player of Dravid's worth, you couldn't buy with a billion bucks in any shopping Mall!
And when he does eventually retire, the hole in the Indian middle order will not be small!

While we talk about the "Wall" here let me introduce another who gave his life to build a wall,
A wall that blocks your path to eternal hell, a wall that's really tall!
He raised this wall by shedding his blood on the Cross and gaving for us his all!
Jesus, God-in-flesh, is this wall-builder's name, and do you hear this his loving call?
"Come to me, and life, with me in your boat, despite the storms, will be a ball!"
But if you turn a deaf ear, to jump over this wall Jesus raised, into hell, you'll fall!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Duke Jeyaraj was invited by Rev. Dr. B. Ebenezer, the director of Metropolitan Mission, to preach God's Word on the 13 January 2011 in Bishop Azariah Grounds in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Around 5000 people gathered in that meeting. In the audience were young people and old people. People from villages and people from the towns - both folk were there. Duke preached on the subject of curses. He explained from the Bible the reason why curses come, starting with the story of how South African Cricket Team's apparently 'cursed' performances in the World Cups. He established the connection between sin and curse and preached boldly on sin. He later went to the Cross of Christ, where the solution for the curse problem was permently solved and gave a gripping account of the sufferings of Christ on the Cross. He called for those in the audience to come forward - those who were willing to repent from sin and trust in Jesus as their savior. Hundreds responded. Some were in tears as the conviction of the Holy Spirit was heavy upon the audience in that open ground. Duke lead them in the sinner's prayer. After which Duke talked about four essentials of the Christian life - prayer, Bible-reading, witnessing and fellowship. After Duke preached the message, some pastors walked up to him to appreciate him for the bold message he had preached to bless thousands.