My Dear Servant of God, Brother Duke,
I was 8 when you preached in a youth camp in Germany, in the year 1998. At the age of 13 I saw the video copy of those messages for the first time. By now, I have watched those videos over 100 times to speak the truth! I am so blessed! We hardly hear preaching like this, these days! – A Sri Lankan Tamil Pastor writing from Germany.
I was 8 when you preached in a youth camp in Germany, in the year 1998. At the age of 13 I saw the video copy of those messages for the first time. By now, I have watched those videos over 100 times to speak the truth! I am so blessed! We hardly hear preaching like this, these days! – A Sri Lankan Tamil Pastor writing from Germany.
Note – The 9 messages that Duke preached in that 1998 youth camp referred to in this email in the country of Germany are now available with us in a 3-DVD pack. Contact +91-888-604-0-605 for details.
Dear uncle Duke,
Nice to see you on YouTube. I saw 4-5 clips of yours there at www.youtube.com/visitduke. The point you make in one of your YouTube videos from the book of Leviticus Chapter 18 and from 2 Samuel 11:27 to show that porn-watching displeases God really touched me. I got the confirmation that porn-watching is indeed a sin. – A Young YouTube User.
I got your book, STRAIGHT TALK, from one of my friends in India. It is mind-blowing. I gave to one of my friends in Italy. She emailed me to let me know that it is very useful and she wanted to her express her thanks to you. – An Indian Student in Messina, Island of Sicily, Italy.
Hi bro Duke!
I have never met you. But my sister has! Actually she's the reason I eventually heard about you! She was in this meeting you had preached in the town of Srikakulam, two years back. After she came back home from those meetings I really did see a change in her attitude and behavior toward me. She asked my dad to make photocopies of your book for her friends and I ended up having a copy as well. I am following the practical suggestions you talk about in your writings to win my battle over sexual temptation. – A 15-year old writing from Vizag, Andhra Pradesh.
After a week of packed schedule of meetings with Bro. Duke, I was urged in my spirit to write a note to you. I believe that whoever attended the meetings were truly blessed. Though I attended only few sessions the amount of impact the sessions had on me was tremendous . In the first place, I was wondering why we have to have these week-long meetings. But my mind changed when I attended the PROFIT Thursday fellowship session in which Duke outlined the message of book of Nehemiah using the acronym N-E-H-E-M-I-A-H. It was awesome. The climax came in the camp. Oh what a time we had, especially the last two sessions when Bro. Duke was recapped all the Pillar Points, he and his wife made. God spoke to me and made the whole purpose of the event very clear to me. I am so much encouraged by the fact that GOD is taking our Fellowship into a new Level and giving us newer dimensions. I know how we started very small in Cuff Road (in Singapore). Sometimes 10 would attend, sometimes it was just 2 people! But I was so overjoyed to see over 50 professionals attend the camp. As I was speaking to Bro.Duke personally about his ministry, he mentioned one thing which put so much burden on me and rekindled the fire in me. This is what he said: “Though I am speaking and ministering to many professionals, my access to them has now been limited , for I am no more a corporate company employee. But you have the access card to your company – something I don’t have. I cannot enter the premises of your company to conduct a spiritual meeting or to witness for Christ. But where no fulltime preacher like me can go, God has given you access to go! Use this opportunity!" Oh, my God! What a thunderbolt! Let us go after the lost in our offices without delay! – A young professional from Singapore who was part of the meetings Duke and Evan addressed there recently.
Thank you Bro. Duke and Sis. Evan for re-energizing us by revealing to us the hidden mysteries from God's word. We are truly blessed. God bless you both to be blessing to even more. Amen. – A young professional writing from Singapore.
Dear Brother Duke,
I really was blessed by your message on 5 ‘B's to beat temptation and the Tri-Relationships (parents/patrons/pair) which you shared in Christ Church, Singapore. What a practical way to defeat sin you have brought out! I am sharing your book, ‘ Straight Talk’, to my colleagues and to some of my students. It is really an eye-opener , first of all to myself. – A teacher writing from Singapore.
Dear uncle Duke,
Nice to see you on YouTube. I saw 4-5 clips of yours there at www.youtube.com/visitduke. The point you make in one of your YouTube videos from the book of Leviticus Chapter 18 and from 2 Samuel 11:27 to show that porn-watching displeases God really touched me. I got the confirmation that porn-watching is indeed a sin. – A Young YouTube User.
I got your book, STRAIGHT TALK, from one of my friends in India. It is mind-blowing. I gave to one of my friends in Italy. She emailed me to let me know that it is very useful and she wanted to her express her thanks to you. – An Indian Student in Messina, Island of Sicily, Italy.
Hi bro Duke!
I have never met you. But my sister has! Actually she's the reason I eventually heard about you! She was in this meeting you had preached in the town of Srikakulam, two years back. After she came back home from those meetings I really did see a change in her attitude and behavior toward me. She asked my dad to make photocopies of your book for her friends and I ended up having a copy as well. I am following the practical suggestions you talk about in your writings to win my battle over sexual temptation. – A 15-year old writing from Vizag, Andhra Pradesh.
After a week of packed schedule of meetings with Bro. Duke, I was urged in my spirit to write a note to you. I believe that whoever attended the meetings were truly blessed. Though I attended only few sessions the amount of impact the sessions had on me was tremendous . In the first place, I was wondering why we have to have these week-long meetings. But my mind changed when I attended the PROFIT Thursday fellowship session in which Duke outlined the message of book of Nehemiah using the acronym N-E-H-E-M-I-A-H. It was awesome. The climax came in the camp. Oh what a time we had, especially the last two sessions when Bro. Duke was recapped all the Pillar Points, he and his wife made. God spoke to me and made the whole purpose of the event very clear to me. I am so much encouraged by the fact that GOD is taking our Fellowship into a new Level and giving us newer dimensions. I know how we started very small in Cuff Road (in Singapore). Sometimes 10 would attend, sometimes it was just 2 people! But I was so overjoyed to see over 50 professionals attend the camp. As I was speaking to Bro.Duke personally about his ministry, he mentioned one thing which put so much burden on me and rekindled the fire in me. This is what he said: “Though I am speaking and ministering to many professionals, my access to them has now been limited , for I am no more a corporate company employee. But you have the access card to your company – something I don’t have. I cannot enter the premises of your company to conduct a spiritual meeting or to witness for Christ. But where no fulltime preacher like me can go, God has given you access to go! Use this opportunity!" Oh, my God! What a thunderbolt! Let us go after the lost in our offices without delay! – A young professional from Singapore who was part of the meetings Duke and Evan addressed there recently.
Thank you Bro. Duke and Sis. Evan for re-energizing us by revealing to us the hidden mysteries from God's word. We are truly blessed. God bless you both to be blessing to even more. Amen. – A young professional writing from Singapore.
Dear Brother Duke,
I really was blessed by your message on 5 ‘B's to beat temptation and the Tri-Relationships (parents/patrons/pair) which you shared in Christ Church, Singapore. What a practical way to defeat sin you have brought out! I am sharing your book, ‘ Straight Talk’, to my colleagues and to some of my students. It is really an eye-opener , first of all to myself. – A teacher writing from Singapore.
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