Duke Jeyaraj was invited by Rev. Dr. B. Ebenezer, the director of Metropolitan Mission, to preach God's Word on the 13 January 2011 in Bishop Azariah Grounds in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Around 5000 people gathered in that meeting. In the audience were young people and old people. People from villages and people from the towns - both folk were there. Duke preached on the subject of curses. He explained from the Bible the reason why curses come, starting with the story of how South African Cricket Team's apparently 'cursed' performances in the World Cups. He established the connection between sin and curse and preached boldly on sin. He later went to the Cross of Christ, where the solution for the curse problem was permently solved and gave a gripping account of the sufferings of Christ on the Cross. He called for those in the audience to come forward - those who were willing to repent from sin and trust in Jesus as their savior. Hundreds responded. Some were in tears as the conviction of the Holy Spirit was heavy upon the audience in that open ground. Duke lead them in the sinner's prayer. After which Duke talked about four essentials of the Christian life - prayer, Bible-reading, witnessing and fellowship. After Duke preached the message, some pastors walked up to him to appreciate him for the bold message he had preached to bless thousands.
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