Monday, November 3, 2014


Pastor Sammy Thangiah, the son of Rev. Paul Thangiah, warmly invited Dr. Duke Jeyaraj to preach God's Word during two Sunday Morning services at the New Generation Service of the Full Gospel Assembly of God Church and Worship Center (popularly called FGAG) in Bangalore, INDIA. The dates were 14 September and 21 September, 2014. The church was kind to fly Duke up and down for both the events.

On 14th September, Duke shared a message on why Salvation/Living for Jesus is the greatest of all experiences - an experience which outbeat even the experiencing the using the latest smartphone (Iphone6, Iphone6 plus was just released a few days back). Duke culled-in his main points from the book of Hebrews using the oft-repeated key word, "better", in that book. Duke came armed with a toothbrush, a youtube video, some celebrity pics, and more importantly the anointing of the Holy Spirit for this message, that had the young people laughing, thinking and moving them closer to the Lord. About 275 Google Genners were there. At the end of the service, following Duke's call, a number of youth came forward, gave their lives to Jesus. Repentance for cell-phone idolatry followed. The young people laid their phones on the altar during prayer time and prayed. God graciously and mightily  moved.

On 21st September, Duke shared a direct, no-holds-barred message on Sexual Temptation, in the same Sunase. He talked about how to overcome sexual temptation quoting God's Word - the Jesus method. Even after this message, some youth came forward and gave their lives/bodies/all to Jesus. You can hear the message here:

"He doesn't mince with words...." was one comment by one of the leaders. God was glorified both the Sundays by the powerful preaching of the Word.

Duke was able to meet with Pastor Sheeba Thangiah and thank her for the opportunity given on the 21st September.

Duke was grateful for the wonderful hospitality, generousity and love of the Pastoral team/Youth Ministry Team of FGAG.

During the air travel, Duke gave out the Bubbly/Dhoni tract of his to the air crew, ticketing staff, co-passengers, etc. He used the Psalm 119:65 method of Evangelism by talking about the ESV Bible App. 

Evangelin Duke, Duke's wife, managed the G4 Mission base in Hyderabad during Duke's absence. She managed both the children of Duke, cheerfully and prayerfully.

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