Testimonies of encouragement we at
Grabbing the Google Generation from
Gehenna Mission received this year - 2013
In the year 2013, we at G4 Mission
received number of encouraging emails. Here are a few published with no or
bare-minimum editing to smudge the identity of the writer. I must say that
these are very, very kind words we don’t deserve to receive. But when they came anyway they hugely encouraged us.
– Duke Jeyaraj
“I am compulsively given to the
habit of fondling and sexually touching some of the girls I dropped home in my
car following worship practice. In the direct message I just heard from you, I
understood from God’s Word that I have sinned. I repent right now.” –
worship leader to Duke after he preached in a particular Indian city this year.
Dear Duke,
I was introduced to you in a very strange way. Though I don’t know why because it happened 1-2 years ago, now I am slowly learning. God is repeatedly reminding me to assist in some way or shape or form with your ministry. Every time I read your Facebook postings, I always feel jealous about your contributions to the Kingdom of God and your commitment to Christ. I am touched and overflowing with Joy when I read about your recent tracts distribution in Hyderabad Signals and other corners of Hyderabad because very few Pastors and Church invest so heavily on the youths. I also read several of your blog spots, watched your videos in You tube. Thanks for your ministry to the Google Generation.
On the other hand I am very inspired with your posters, tracts and other online materials to reach the losing souls. I am curious to learn from you on your simple approaches to teach the Google Generations. It may be a reverse mission journey as Americans used to send missionary and this is the time in History where America needs missionaries creative genius like you.
- an Indian working professional living in the United States via email to Duke this year.
“Thank you so much .. I work in hospital but I too believe in waking up early ..its true many times pulled up the blanket and slept .. I felt God sent this article through you to me .. thanks brother ..God bless u and use u mightly for his kingdom.” – a Florida based Indian nurse’s FB post after Duke’s article on early morning rising starting with a snippet from Apple CEO’s life this year.
really i've never come across someone soo gifted in writing with sooo clear expression. God Bless ur talent even more as u continue blessing the G4 Mission – a medical doctor living in an Indian City writing to Duke after reading his online articles on FB this year.
You are such a big blessing to us Duke Anna. Ur words are just right for this generation and very practical. – a GE employee of Indian origin writing to Duke from the US this year.
Awesome Duke anna…loved the study…taught me and enlightened me…. – a modern young working professional from India living in New Zealand after he heard a Duke Bible Study on YouTube.
Dear Brother Duke,
It is AMAZING to read of what the Lord is doing through you and of your passion for Him.
I am more than impressed to see how promptly and passionately and clearly you address contemporary issues that matter to the G Gen.
God bless you dear Brother.
Thanks for sharing,
With prayer,
Name Withheld
(A well-known Itinerant International Evangelist via email this year)
Do you know that you are one of the best speakers I have ever come across Bro. Duke? – Young Professional, Bangladesh via FB messenger this year.
THANK YOU DUKE FOR YOUR TEACHINGS ON RUTH AND BOAZ. – an Indian woman from Atlanta, Georgia via FB this year.
God bless you sister Evangeline and brother Duke for preaching the Right and True Living Word of Him. Greetings from Venezuela, South America. - Comment on Evan Duke's Youtube message, “How To Choose A Life Partner Wisely”, this year.
Duke, enjoyed reading this article! God bless your ministry to the google generation! - the North India AG Superintendent of a large Church Denomination on this Duke’s article “MAUNDY THURSDAY MESSAGE FOR IN-LOVE-WITH-UNBELIEVERS GOOGLE GENERATION BELEIVERS” via Facebook this year.
heard it bro.........very timely for today.......... – a famous Indian Soloist & Evangelist on the Graduation Sermon of Duke given as he graduated in SABC during March 2001 (hosted on Youtube).
one of the best articles on repentance and God's call. – a freelance corporate trainer living in an Indian city on Duke’s Maundy Thursday Article.
I’ll be happy if you can provide url for your new articles/sermons which I can publish on our website as your articles are the most desired ones by our visitors. – - a Christian site owner to Duke via FB messenger this year.
Hello sir Duke, thanks 4 accepting my request,I had attended d youth camp& attended ur workshop,it was really vry gud,I also read ur book,google generatn,I actually got a whole make ovr as a Christian & now I'm sharing dat book wid as many youth as possible... – one of the campers who attended a youth camp we preached in, this year.
I am from Rwanda. When I was a student in Trichy, India, I attended a youth camp you and your wife preached in Bro. Duke (in 2009). That time I felt a revival in my life. – via FB messenger to DUKE THIS YEAR.
I have read your article “Popular Unbiblical Modern Alternatives To Marriage/Postpone Marriage – Duke Jeyaraj” (from www.freshbiblestudy.wordpress.com). It was interesting to know some celebrity facts revolving around sex. I liked the your writing style since it hooked me onto the article till the end. I realized I spent over an hour reading it and cross checking it with the Bible and other sources you have quoted. I really appreciate your efforts and Thank God for your Ministry. Its been a blessing for young people like me. – an Indian Masters Student living in Australia to Duke this year via FB messenger.
sir Duke. you may not have seen or met before but wanted to let you know that your messages have been a great blessing.
- someone from Mumbai via FB messenger this year.
"Duke Jeyaraj, I downloaded the message on what the Bible teaches about sex via YouTube and showed it to the pastors I work with in the Nashik area." – a pastor living in Nashik, India, via sms to Duke’s phone this year.
Awesome Message!! Words of wisdom!! Very much required...!! Thank you very much Duke!! - Assit Manager living in Indian City via FB on Duke’s Choosing Your Life Partner Wisely Message on Youtube this year.
Beautiful message bro!!! loads of things revealed meaningfully.
- a worker in an Indian city with Delloitte via FB.
Dear Duke, I watch your sermons on YouTube and am a big fan of you. – writing from the country of Jordan via FB this year.
praise God mr duke thanks for ur blessed videos. ... I am so blesses learnt a lot from u thanks ......thanks I enjoy ur teaching preaching thanks – a Southern Asia Bible College trained pastor in Bangalore this year via FB.
I heard some sermons of u from YouTube!. its was useful to me to walk with God closely! Thank u Bro.Duke! - Young man from New Delhi this year via FB.
Dear Bro Duke and the team
Thank you for being the Light and Salt in this dark world. It takes a few committed soldiers of Christ like you all to impact this world for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
May the Lord continue to use you to bring the walls of Jericho down and unleash Spiritual freedom.
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
Deuteronomy 28:6
Blessings in Christ
Name Withheld
(a fulltime worker in a particular INDIAN city via email THIS YEAR).
"Thought-Provoking!" – An Arkansas Tech University Student on Duke’s FB anti-caste and Color-craze article post Nina Miss America win this year.
Duke Anna.
thank you for your reply. though it is hard for me to take it into my heart but I submit my life before god to let his will happen in my life.
as you said, I wait for the lord. I hope he will give me the best life partner to my life and my future ministry.
really your suggestions helped me. I would like to keep in touch with you. everyday atleast ten minutes I see your speech in YouTube. really it's helped me to overcome temptations. I pray for you and your family and your ministry. remember me on your prayer.
(Name withheld)
(an young man writing from an Indian city this year)
Dear Duke,
Thank you so much for the Rhema word on Discipleship for the Google Generation. I’m so blessed with this Bible Study, thank you. It is a privilege for me to take the survey. I wish you all the very best for your doctoral research. May the Lord Almighty use you remarkably in making Jesus’ disciples on every nook and corner of this Earth.
Best Regards,
(Name Withheld)
A Bank of America employee in an Indian city writing this year.
Hello Duke uncle....how are are?...i just wanted to say that you are an inspiration to me. I always read your posts and every time i log in to facebook and get to read your post and learn more about Lords scripture,i just admire in awe.I really love to write and i want be a journalist.I want to grow up and be a person like you who can work for Gods kingdom through my writing skill...Please keep me in your prayers...
- a Young Woman from Bangladesh writing via FB messenger this year.
Dear Brother Duke,
Typically an excellent and an inspiring "expansion" of the word "DISCIPLE" (“How Google Genners Can Become Jesus’ Disciples”)...Keep up the good work...
(Name Withheld)
A pastor and writer living in an Indian city
Hello Duke Anna
Praise the Lord.
INSERTING THE GOSPEL IN THE NEWSPAPERS DISTRIBUTED IN OUR LOCALITY - This idea of Christmas evangelism you mention in your email is really good and even I will try to follow it!
- An IT Professional writing from London in response to Duke’s mass e-mail.
Dear Bro. Duke,
You and your family have done a tremendous job, something I’d like to emulate.
- An young IT Professional in an Indian City via email this year.
I’ll be happy if you can provide url for your new articles/sermons which I can publish on our website as your articles are the most desired ones by our visitors. – - a Christian site owner to Duke via FB messenger this year.
Hello sir Duke, thanks 4 accepting my request,I had attended d youth camp& attended ur workshop,it was really vry gud,I also read ur book,google generatn,I actually got a whole make ovr as a Christian & now I'm sharing dat book wid as many youth as possible... – one of the campers who attended a youth camp we preached in, this year.
I am from Rwanda. When I was a student in Trichy, India, I attended a youth camp you and your wife preached in Bro. Duke (in 2009). That time I felt a revival in my life. – via FB messenger to DUKE THIS YEAR.
I have read your article “Popular Unbiblical Modern Alternatives To Marriage/Postpone Marriage – Duke Jeyaraj” (from www.freshbiblestudy.wordpress.com). It was interesting to know some celebrity facts revolving around sex. I liked the your writing style since it hooked me onto the article till the end. I realized I spent over an hour reading it and cross checking it with the Bible and other sources you have quoted. I really appreciate your efforts and Thank God for your Ministry. Its been a blessing for young people like me. – an Indian Masters Student living in Australia to Duke this year via FB messenger.
sir Duke. you may not have seen or met before but wanted to let you know that your messages have been a great blessing.
- someone from Mumbai via FB messenger this year.
"Duke Jeyaraj, I downloaded the message on what the Bible teaches about sex via YouTube and showed it to the pastors I work with in the Nashik area." – a pastor living in Nashik, India, via sms to Duke’s phone this year.
Awesome Message!! Words of wisdom!! Very much required...!! Thank you very much Duke!! - Assit Manager living in Indian City via FB on Duke’s Choosing Your Life Partner Wisely Message on Youtube this year.
Beautiful message bro!!! loads of things revealed meaningfully.
- a worker in an Indian city with Delloitte via FB.
Dear Duke, I watch your sermons on YouTube and am a big fan of you. – writing from the country of Jordan via FB this year.
praise God mr duke thanks for ur blessed videos. ... I am so blesses learnt a lot from u thanks ......thanks I enjoy ur teaching preaching thanks – a Southern Asia Bible College trained pastor in Bangalore this year via FB.
I heard some sermons of u from YouTube!. its was useful to me to walk with God closely! Thank u Bro.Duke! - Young man from New Delhi this year via FB.
Dear Bro Duke and the team
Thank you for being the Light and Salt in this dark world. It takes a few committed soldiers of Christ like you all to impact this world for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
May the Lord continue to use you to bring the walls of Jericho down and unleash Spiritual freedom.
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
Deuteronomy 28:6
Blessings in Christ
Name Withheld
(a fulltime worker in a particular INDIAN city via email THIS YEAR).
"Thought-Provoking!" – An Arkansas Tech University Student on Duke’s FB anti-caste and Color-craze article post Nina Miss America win this year.
Duke Anna.
thank you for your reply. though it is hard for me to take it into my heart but I submit my life before god to let his will happen in my life.
as you said, I wait for the lord. I hope he will give me the best life partner to my life and my future ministry.
really your suggestions helped me. I would like to keep in touch with you. everyday atleast ten minutes I see your speech in YouTube. really it's helped me to overcome temptations. I pray for you and your family and your ministry. remember me on your prayer.
(Name withheld)
(an young man writing from an Indian city this year)
Dear Duke,
Thank you so much for the Rhema word on Discipleship for the Google Generation. I’m so blessed with this Bible Study, thank you. It is a privilege for me to take the survey. I wish you all the very best for your doctoral research. May the Lord Almighty use you remarkably in making Jesus’ disciples on every nook and corner of this Earth.
Best Regards,
(Name Withheld)
A Bank of America employee in an Indian city writing this year.
Hello Duke uncle....how are are?...i just wanted to say that you are an inspiration to me. I always read your posts and every time i log in to facebook and get to read your post and learn more about Lords scripture,i just admire in awe.I really love to write and i want be a journalist.I want to grow up and be a person like you who can work for Gods kingdom through my writing skill...Please keep me in your prayers...
- a Young Woman from Bangladesh writing via FB messenger this year.
Dear Brother Duke,
Typically an excellent and an inspiring "expansion" of the word "DISCIPLE" (“How Google Genners Can Become Jesus’ Disciples”)...Keep up the good work...
(Name Withheld)
A pastor and writer living in an Indian city
Hello Duke Anna
Praise the Lord.
INSERTING THE GOSPEL IN THE NEWSPAPERS DISTRIBUTED IN OUR LOCALITY - This idea of Christmas evangelism you mention in your email is really good and even I will try to follow it!
- An IT Professional writing from London in response to Duke’s mass e-mail.
Dear Bro. Duke,
You and your family have done a tremendous job, something I’d like to emulate.
- An young IT Professional in an Indian City via email this year.
Praise and glory be to God Bro. Duke. I really liked the Christmas poem, What Christmas Is…What It Isn’t..., you wrote and send us via email. Simple..! For even a lay man can understand. – An IT Professional writing from an Indian city via Email this year
I have never seen any preacher preach on sexual sin so boldly and this is the need of the hour .
Praise and glory be to God Bro. Duke. I really liked the Christmas poem, What Christmas Is…What It Isn’t..., you wrote and send us via email. Simple..! For even a lay man can understand. – An IT Professional writing from an Indian city via Email this year
I have never seen any preacher preach on sexual sin so boldly and this is the need of the hour .
– an young professional writing
from an Indian India in response to Duke’s Youtube video 10 Ways We Abuse God’s
Gift of Sex via FB post this year.
Dear Brother Duke,
Basically I was a Hindu. And Jesus saved me at the age of 21. Now am 29.
just I have seen your message on youtube. Really it was useful for me.
- an Indian writing from an Indian city via email this year.
Dear Bro Duke,
I was listening to your message (‘How to start Christian Small Group Fellowship In Your Workplace?’) on Youtube and I just love your passion and the way Lord is using you in whichever place you go. If every person who believes in Christ is ready to standup and do what you talked about in that message, our offices will be the starting places of revival/soul winning.
Dear Brother Duke,
Basically I was a Hindu. And Jesus saved me at the age of 21. Now am 29.
just I have seen your message on youtube. Really it was useful for me.
- an Indian writing from an Indian city via email this year.
Dear Bro Duke,
I was listening to your message (‘How to start Christian Small Group Fellowship In Your Workplace?’) on Youtube and I just love your passion and the way Lord is using you in whichever place you go. If every person who believes in Christ is ready to standup and do what you talked about in that message, our offices will be the starting places of revival/soul winning.
(name withheld)
An IT Professional actively involved Marketplace Ministry in a particular Indian City this year.
Hi Duke,
Thank you for your Email Message.I remember you came to one youth meeting of ours,but i dont know where exactly, and you told to give our email ids so you would email us the good news.To tell the truth i did not read any of those emails.I dont know why i didnt have time.But today I am in a very bad situation and I came upon this Email and your message or statement "hole in your heart" really struck me.I really felt listening to cine songs would fill the hole in my heart.I have gone away from Christ and I feel that emptiness in my heart and its not going away at all.
But your this Email has really taught me that only Jesus can fill that hole in my heart.I just want to say thank you brother.You are doing a wonderful Evangelical work.Praise GOD.And I pray that God will bless you and your Family.
- An Indian Young Woman Writing from Kuwait via email this year
An IT Professional actively involved Marketplace Ministry in a particular Indian City this year.
Hi Duke,
Thank you for your Email Message.I remember you came to one youth meeting of ours,but i dont know where exactly, and you told to give our email ids so you would email us the good news.To tell the truth i did not read any of those emails.I dont know why i didnt have time.But today I am in a very bad situation and I came upon this Email and your message or statement "hole in your heart" really struck me.I really felt listening to cine songs would fill the hole in my heart.I have gone away from Christ and I feel that emptiness in my heart and its not going away at all.
But your this Email has really taught me that only Jesus can fill that hole in my heart.I just want to say thank you brother.You are doing a wonderful Evangelical work.Praise GOD.And I pray that God will bless you and your Family.
- An Indian Young Woman Writing from Kuwait via email this year
THIS MINISTRY, if you are lead to by the Spirit.
You could do so by
visiting www.googlegeneration.in/donate.php
(Duke's ministry page on FB).
(Duke's audio messages link).
(Duke's video messages link).
+91-8886040605 (WhatsApp phone
number linked to Duke).
(Duke's ministry news with pics).
(Duke's Gospel presentations).
(Duke's Bible Teaching articles in PDF).
Duke is a full-time, itinerant, presenter/writer of Truths
from the Bible to the Google Generation (the present-day people, the Youtube
Youth, the Facebook Folks, the Twitter Troupe) who operates from out of his
base in Hyderabad, India, and is someone who ministers cutting across
denominational or organizational barriers.
He founded Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna (hell
in Greek) Mission (G4 Mission) in February 2006 to creatively reach out to
the Google Generation. This ministry, which Duke n his wife work for
full-time, is supported by individual Indians who have been blessed by his
preaching and writing ministry, and NOT by any particular organisation or
group. This ministry is run on a day-to-day basis with the help of volunteers -
you can be one such volunteer!
In case you want to, you could read the blogpost, "Just
who is Duke Jeyaraj" here: http://g-4mission.blogspot.in/2011/01/just-who-is-duke-jeyaraj.html &
the post titled, "The Dukan Chronicle" (Duke's life testimony)
here: http://www.indiagateway.net/g-4mission/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46
For more info about G4 Mission - it's message and
ministry - please check out www.googlegeneration.in the
official website of this Mission.
Mobile Phone: +91-888-604-0-605. Leave a message please if
Duke is not able to pick up. Thank you! Alternative Number:
www.PurposeSpot.Blogspot.com -
Gospel presentations of Duke around contemporary events Jesus style (Luke
13:1-5), Paul style (Acts 17).
http://www.scribd.com/duke_jeyaraj -
Bible Teaching PDFs of Duke Jeyaraj & Previous issues of The Days of Your
Youth in the PDF format.
www.FreshBibleStudy.wordpress.com -
still-raw, unedited sermon/Bible Study outlines of Duke.
www.twitter.com/dukejeyaraj -
Follow Duke as he wraps Bible Truth around contemporary events in
just 140 characters here.
www.g-4mission.blogspot.com - ministry reports of G4 Mission and Duke's ministry travels studded with pictures.
www.facebook.com/googleDuke -
regular ministry update feeds with pictures; interesting articles of Duke
posted around pics. You could choose to 'like' this page.
www.youtube.com/VisitDuke -
click here to see down-to-earth, daring message video clips of Duke Jeyaraj
on hot yet hushed subjects like salvation, sex, love, marriage, missions, Bible
Book Practical Summaries and more here. Over 100,000 hits on this channel!
www.soundcloud.com/ShoutAloud -
click here listen to Duke's bubbly, bold, blunt, biblical messages and terrific
truth takes on taboo topics in the audio format here. Channel named after Isa.
58:1 ("shout aloud to the house of Jacob, their transgressions!")
If you
live in Hyderabad, India, you are most welcome to attend the monthly,
inter-church, Bible Study that Duke leads for the Google Generation which
is usually held on the first Sunday evening of the month. The venue is the G4
Mission rented base just behind the Kanajiguda Petrol Station near AWHO VED
VIHAR, Subhash Nagar on the Military Dairy Farm Road, Tirumalgiri,
Secunderabad, India. Call/text - 8886040605 for more info. On the second
Saturday of any given month at the same place, between 10 am-3 pm, the G4
On the third weekend of the every month, the G4 Mission organizes a tract
distribution outreach evangelism event in any chosen youth hangout in Hyderabad
in which Duke's "Bubbly"/"Dhoni" tract found www.scribd.com/duke_jeyaraj will
be used. Join in!
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