We praise God for the wonderful way he has led us in Grabbing the Google Generation From Gehenna Mission (G4 Mission) in 2013. This ministry for presentday people was founded by Duke Jeyaraj in 2006.

It was a year of SPIRITUAL BLESSING for us at G4
Mission. Duke and his wife, Evan Duke, had intense times of intercession
through the year. During May and in November we had specially good week-long
times of intercession. God taught us from His Word during these times on the
theme of Restoration. We were part of the RZIM National Conference where we
learnt edifying and enlightening truths from Dr. Ravi Zacharias and his
speaking team during Sept 2013. Receiving a book from the great man for having
won a Facebook contest RZIM ran was an unforgettable experience for Duke this
year. While driving our car during 2013, we listened to Uncle R. Stanley's
message, Arrows of Discouragement, which was a big blessing. We have been
blessed by the preaching of our local pastor, Sis. Arlene Stubbs. Her series
from the book of Hebrews enabled us to learn fresh lessons and taught us that
our fight against popular false teaching like hyper-grace and health-wealth
Gospel was on the right track. We were blessed by the messages of Rev. Valson
Varghese and Rev. Younus Samuel as well in the church we are every Sunday if we
not ministering elsewhere.
It was a year of MATERIAL BLESSINGS for us at G4
Mission. In 2013, the Lord graciously added very useful things. We don't do
ministry to get things. But things are useful to do the ministry in a more
efficient way. We were blessed with a Yellow Vespa Scooter in April 2013. We
were blessed with a Benq GP 10 projector this year. As the icing in the
God-given cake, we were blessed with a 20 20 Dell All-in-One Personal Computer
this December. All the three gifts were given by Indians friends of our little
work for the Lord. Three Indians made a single offering/donation/bank transfer
for us to be able to buy these. "This is the Lord's doing and its
marvellous in our eyes!"
It was a year of FINANCIAL BLESSINGS for us at G4
Mission. God moved the hearts of Indian folks of our ministry and as a result
they made that online transfer, sent that money order, sent money through
Western Union, etc, to us, this year. And as a result, every ministry bill is
paid and all our needs were taken care of. We had offerings sent to us from
those living Tinsukia to those in Tirunelveli! There were those who dropped in
Rs.20, those who sent Rs.200 Rupees, those who sent Rs.2000 rupees Rupees, for
our ministry this year at various time! And for each of those sacrificial
givers we praise God! Even those in fulltime ministry were moved by the Spirit
to send us an offering this year! Like we always do, we too have given more
than a tithe of what we received to ministries we believe the Lord lead us to
support, this year.
It was a year of MINISTERIAL BLESSINGS for us at G4
Mission. The following paragraphs talk about this.
Because Duke is in the final phase of writing of my
Doctor of Ministry project, he could not take up too many preaching assignments
this year. There were invitations to preach in places like Punjab, which Duke
could not take up because of this very reason.
Every month of this year, we were able to have a
Bible Study for a small group of Google Genners at our home/base. These Bible
study messages were audio and video recorded and made available in www.soundcloud.com/shoutaloud
(audio) and in www.youtube.com/visitduke
(video) for a larger audience. In fact, our SoundCloud account was set up this
year thanks to the generous giving of a young Indian man blessed by the online
messages of Duke. Our Youtube video channel has now over 125,000 hits. In these
monthly Bible Studies, Duke summarized the message of the books of 2nd Peter,
John, I John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude and Revelation this year. Each time he used
the name of the relevant Bible book as a summary for its message. For example,
the message of Revelation was put in the acronym r-e-v-e-l-a-t-i-o-n. These
Bible Study outlines were made available at www.FreshBibleStudy.WordPress.com - a place to visit for Duke’s sermon outlines which are
still raw. Duke taught on Sexual Ethics, Fasting, Discipleship and Starting
Workplace Small Group Fellowships, Intercession, etc, as well to small groups
of Youtube Youth, this year, via Bible Studies at the G4 Mission rented base at
various times.
From June 2013, we have had the FOUNTAIN OF TEARS
AGAINST MOUNTAIN OF FEARS (name based on Jeremiah 9:1,10 given to us while we
were fasting in May 2013) fasting prayer every month to encourage the Facebook
Folks to seek God's face. It was a blessing to intercede for the lost, the
leaders and nations before praying for personal needs amidst us. Some people
received miracles after attending this event and we praise God and give him the
glory. Prayer is the stop that keeps us going!
Duke and Evan ministered in a camp for corporates
in Bangalore, this year. The husband-wife duo not only preached in various
sessions together but also answered questions posed by the young pros who came
from different cities to attend this camp. Duke’s doctoral course research is
about developing discipleship strategies for IT Professionals. Braving hairline
fracture, Evan Duke stood to hear IT Professionals talk about their personal
struggles and gave them Biblical answers that came from a warm heart and an
eloquent tongue, this year. Her message in the birthday party of an 8-year-old
this year titled, “Little Boys of the Bible,” was talked about long after it
was shared. Evan shared an encouraging Word from Job in the Living
Spring English Church - Assemblies of God this
year. An International Student present testified to the blessings of that
Helping churches in their existing youth ministry
is one task we are often called for. Rev. Chaitanya Gera, invited Duke to minister to the youth of his church
this year. The direct, dynamic messages moved Google Genners who attended the
special 1 day meeting organised by Capstone Church. The questions of young people on a rainbow range of
topics were answered with clarity and conviction.
Duke encouraged the believers of a large AG church
during their lent season fasting prayer with two messages, this year. Duke
spoke in the Sunday Services in towns as diverse as Trichy, Kolkata, New Delhi
and Chennai this year. One of his most-remembered messages was from the Bible
character of Uriah. He used this character to call the church believers to
become faithful soldiers for Jesus. Duke even addressed the married women of a
leading church telling them ways from the Bible as to how to understand typical
men better, this year.
Both Duke and Evan were involved in direct
counseling, internet counseling and phone counseling this year. Marriages
broken-down, questions about porn-watching, masturbation, sex, relationships,
life partner choice confusion, etc. were answered, biblically and frankly with
a heart of compassion. Young people were constantly told what they should hear,
not what they wanted to hear.
Writing remains Duke’s primary call. The South
India Assemblies of God published Duke’s article on effective youth ministry in
their magazine in 2013. Through Facebook updates (www.facebook.com/googleduke), through blog posts (www.purposespot.blogspot.in),
Duke continued to wrap Bible Truth around contemporary events Jesus style, even
this year. We continued to publish our magazine that does that, The Days of
Your Youth, this year as well, though we were limited by Duke’s doctoral course
commitments. Not only that. We printed two of our Gospel tracts for the Google
Generation this year. They were called Bubbly Outside, Yet Empty Inside? And
Two Who Willingly Walked Into Tough Situations: Dhoni and Guess Who? The Bubbly
tract and the Dhoni tract were given in 10 different locations (malls, railways
stations, traffic signals, outside college campuses, etc) during 10 different
months by G4 Mission volunteers (including Duke) this year. A fellowship in
Singapore ordered 300 copies of the Bubbly tract this year. A medical college
student fellowship ordered 1000 copies of the Bubbly tract this year. Some
volunteers testified that they gave their first ever Gospel tract through G4
Mission this year! This year Duke made fully online his two books – No Beating
About the Bush Straight Talk & Good News for the Google Generation - in his
Scribd account - www.scribd.com/duke_jeyaraj. We
continued to distribute our two books. Eight copies of our twin books were
ordered by students of Angola origin in the month of December 2013. A young
woman living in Jharkhand wrote to us saying, "I have already both your
books. When are you going to write your next book?" Plans are on the anvil
for two more books of Duke.
Fighting false doctrine that is thriving amidst the
Google Generation is also a God-ordained task for us. While we don’t attack the
preacher preaching this, we attack the doctrine. We give a rousing call for all
believers and preachers to get back to the Bible. This year Duke preached a
message in a roof-top of a home fellowship taking the roof off some popular
false doctrines like the Health-Wealth Gospel and Hyper-Grace. That message is
in Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikqw4AgDsHM). Through Facebook debate Duke took on the
popular-with-youth false doctrine of Hyper-grace.
During one of our travels in 2013, we encountered a
couple who promoted Jehovah Witness teaching. We showed them from Scripture
that Jesus was God and is God. The question we posed, "Where do you see
that Jesus was an angel (which is what they claim) in the Bible?" stumped
Preaching old-fashioned evangelistic messages is
our priority. During August this year, Duke preached a simple, straight Gospel
message wrapped around contemporary events (including a quote from Actor
Nagarjuna's dad!) to over 1000 college students in a Youth Alive event. Some of
them came forward to receive Jesus. In an Orphanage this year, Duke preached a
Gospel message from the Christmas narrative. Post that message, young people
(from first standard to B. Tech first Year) came forward and received Jesus as
Savior standing around a campfire. Our prayer is that the fire lit in their
hearts should not die out. Neither should it die out in our hearts!
On World Aids Day 2013 –
December 1 – we had an evangelistic conversations dinner in a mall in
Hyderabad. People from different faiths
joined in. As people ate food, Duke in a conversational manner, wrapped the
Gospel around a AIDS awareness message with references to Tarun Tejpal, Zaheer
Khan, etc. Duke led in sinners prayer following that dinner which some who
joined the dinner joined in. Some questions the folks who gathered asked were
also answered.
We are glad for the opportunity to impact more than
one church denomination or more than one organization. This year, God gave us
an opportunity to work in programs organized by the Assemblies of God, CSI,
Baptist churches. This year, the Lord saw it good to have us speak in meetings
organized by Heart-Shakers, Aradana TV, etc. In a RZIM meeting in Hyderabad
this year, Duke shared on Bible’s views on Divorce.
God continued to bless you with volunteers as well
praying and giving partners this year. Our volunteers help us with day-to-day
ministry running. Sunil Babu, our volunteer, loaded countless Youtube videos of
ours onto our Youtube channel (www.youtube.com/visitduke) and
our SoundCloud channel (www.soundcloud.com/shoutaloud)
so faithfully. Eugene Pandian helped design our magazine covers and host our
main website, www.googlegeneration.in.
Rajasekhar edited some of our videos. Florussel uploaded Duke’s gospel articles
to the www.PurposeSpot.blogspot.com.
Fenella Nirmal takes care of www.g-4mission.blogspot.com -
our ministry news blog. Santosh William helps us with uploads onto www.TheDaysOfYourYouth.com.
Ruby Evangel Chandrasekar designed FB Ministry event invites. N Kingsley also
did the same. Ravi Alamothu designed the inside pages of the Bubbly Gospel
tract. Stephen
Jothiraj helped in editing the articles I
wrote. Prathusha Nakka helped with base arrangements before an event in the
base and with Facebook ministry event invites. Joel Joseph helped with
photography and Facebook ministry event invites. Jeyanthi Vuppula, Benjamin
Taylor, Preeti Iona
Vemu and others have helped in worship in our
base events at various times. Bro. Chitty helped with Telugu translation of
Duke’s messages. Bro. Christopher was there to help when it came to logistics
and moving things. Silver Ramesh annan was there to advice us in his capacity
as a Board Member of our ministry. This list of volunteers who helped our
ministry this year is only half-full but our hearts of full of thanks to God
for all of them.
For our financial partners (all of whom are
Indians) what can we say? There are many ministries and you were kind to
include us in the list of ministries you support and we are over-whelmed and we
thank God you. There is reward for those who even give a cup of cold water to
those who have gone for Jesus’ work, says the Bible. You have done much more.
And much more will be your reward.
This year God saved our kids from what could have
been a fatal accident in Wonderla, Bangalore. Evan Duke suffered from a
hairline fracture that slowed her down for almost four-five months, this year.
As we get busy with the ministry of saving “the Google Kids” the Devil targets
us, our kids and our everything. But we aren’t about to slacken. We will keep
at what God has called to do, till our last breath, with His Spirit enabling
Ours is not a 9 to 5 job done to earn some money.
We look for ways to grab the Google Generation from going to Gehenna every
possible way. That's one reason we give our tracts during journeys. During one
train journey from Kolkata to Hyderabad, Duke walked through every compartment
in that train and had the joy of giving tracts! During a flight journey this
year Duke had the 'over the moon' experience of giving Gospel tracts to a Tamil
movie actor.
God is blessing our ministry as this report reveal.
Our children, Dale, 10 and Datasha,6, pray everyday, "Oh God of Israel,
please bless me, expand our borders, let your hand be with me and keep me from
evil!" God is answering this prayer.
In the ministry of Grabbing the Google Generation
from going to Gehenna,
Duke Jeyaraj
+91-8886040605 (Whats App Number)
www.facebook.com/googleduke (Duke's ministry page on FB).
www.soundcloud.com/shoutaloud (Duke's audio messages link).
(Duke's video messages link).
+91-8886040605 (WhatsApp phone number linked to
(Duke's ministry news with pics).
www.purposespot.blogspot.com (Duke's Gospel presentations).
(Duke's Bible Teaching articles in PDF).
Duke is a full-time, itinerant, presenter/writer of
Truths from the Bible to the Google Generation (the present-day people, the
Youtube Youth, the Facebook Folks, the Twitter Troupe) who operates from out of
his base in Hyderabad, India, and is someone who ministers cutting across
denominational or organizational barriers.
He founded Grabbing the Google Generation from
Gehenna (hell in Greek) Mission (G4 Mission) in February 2006 to creatively
reach out to the Google Generation. This ministry, which Duke n his wife work
for full-time, is supported by individual Indians who have been blessed by his
preaching and writing ministry, and NOT by any particular organisation or
group. This ministry is run on a day-to-day basis with the help of volunteers -
you can be one such volunteer!
In case you want to, you could read the blogpost,
"Just who is Duke Jeyaraj" here: http://g-4mission.blogspot.in/2011/01/just-who-is-duke-jeyaraj.html & the post titled, "The Dukan Chronicle"
(Duke's life testimony) here: http://www.indiagateway.net/g-4mission/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46
For more info about G4 Mission - it's message and
ministry - please check out www.googlegeneration.in the
official website of this Mission.
Mobile Phone: +91-888-604-0-605. Leave a message
please if Duke is not able to pick up. Thank you! Alternative Number:
www.PurposeSpot.Blogspot.com - Gospel presentations of Duke around contemporary
events Jesus style (Luke 13:1-5), Paul style (Acts 17).
http://www.scribd.com/duke_jeyaraj - Bible Teaching PDFs of Duke Jeyaraj & Previous
issues of The Days of Your Youth in the PDF format.
www.FreshBibleStudy.wordpress.com - still-raw, unedited sermon/Bible Study outlines of
www.twitter.com/dukejeyaraj -
Follow Duke as he wraps Bible Truth around contemporary events in just 140
characters here.
www.g-4mission.blogspot.com - ministry reports of G4 Mission and Duke's ministry
travels studded with pictures.
www.facebook.com/googleDuke - regular ministry update feeds with pictures;
interesting articles of Duke posted around pics. You could choose to 'like'
this page.
www.youtube.com/VisitDuke -
click here to see down-to-earth, daring message video clips of Duke Jeyaraj on
hot yet hushed subjects like salvation, sex, love, marriage, missions, Bible
Book Practical Summaries and more here. Over 125,000 hits on this channel!
www.soundcloud.com/ShoutAloud -
click here listen to Duke's bubbly, bold, blunt, biblical messages and terrific
truth takes on taboo topics in the audio format here. Channel named after Isa.
58:1 ("shout aloud to the house of Jacob, their transgressions!")
If you live in Hyderabad, India, you are most
welcome to attend the monthly, inter-church, Bible Study that Duke leads for
the Google Generation which is usually held on the first Sunday evening of the
month. The venue is the G4 Mission rented base just behind the Kanajiguda
Petrol Station near AWHO VED VIHAR, Subhash Nagar on the Military Dairy Farm
Road, Tirumalgiri, Secunderabad, India. Call/text - 8886040605 for more info.
On the second Saturday of any given month at the same place, between 10 am-3
FASTING PRAYER. On the third weekend of the every month, the G4 Mission
organizes a tract distribution outreach evangelism event in any chosen youth
hangout in Hyderabad in which Duke's "Bubbly"/"Dhoni" tract
found www.scribd.com/duke_jeyaraj
will be used. Join in!
If you are led to support this ministry please use
the bank information at www.googlegeneration.in/donate.php or write to us at emailduke@gmail.com.