Wednesday, July 10, 2013


“The Devil trembles when he sees even the weakest saint on his knees!” We have heard that being oft-repeated. We at Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission do not believe in merely praying for our ministry, but that prayer IS ministry! So, keeping this mind, an intercession time for the nation of India, the world at large, and for the Google Generation called the FOUNTAIN OF TEARS AGAINST MOUNTAIN OF FEARS FASTING PRAYER was planned. This prayer time is based on Jeremiah 9:1 – “Oh that my head were waters, And my eyes a FOUNTAIN OF TEARS, that I might weep day and night, For the slain of the daughter of my people”. It is also based on Jeremiah 9:10 – “For the MOUNTAINS I will take up a weeping and wailing…” The first meeting held on June 8, Saturday between 10 to 3 p.m., drew 13 people working in different corporate companies and hailing from different churches (AGies to Emmanuel House of Worship). After a time of prayer for the problems of the nation, we took time to pray for needs of individuals present which was for a godly life partner, mostly. God’s presence swept our base! Two short messages, one by Duke and another by Evan blessed those who came. Post the fasting prayer, there was a time of rich fellowship and a lip-smacking idly late-lunch. Moving on to talk about two other prayer-meets: Duke ministered in two early morning services of the 40-day fasting prayer of the NLAG, Secunderabad, during Lent Season 2013. “Gifts of the Spirit put in g-i-f-t-s” & “This Judas Can Be You” – were the two message that Duke preached. In Life Fellowship, Trivandrum, Duke shared a message titled, “Don’t give up!” Duke’s messages strengthened the believers.


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