Sunday, November 4, 2012


Duke Jeyaraj
Young people from 19 Indian States. Over 1500 of them atleast. From Kutch to Kohima. From Nagarcoil to New Delhi. From Madurai to Mumbai. From Gurgoan to Goa. Were all there at the National Youth Conference of the Assemblies of God in Hyderabad during October 23-25, 2012. It was indeed a great joy and a wonderful privilege for me to minister to them along with choice servants of God across India and the world - thanks to warm invitation of my local church pastors and National Youth Ministry leaders of AG - Rev. Valson Varghese and Rev. Younus Samuel. "7 Google Generation Sins We Must Repent Of From Proverbs 7" was one message I preached to the whole crowd covering topics such as rebellion against elders, flirty talk, petting, actual premarital sex, starting with Marlon Samuel's batting in the T20 World Cup Final. "Jesus loves you just the way you are. There is no doubt about this. But he loves you far too much to leave you just like that. He wants to transform you. That's why he destined that you hear a message from Proverbs 7 in this convention," I told my young friends. The altar was crammed with young people getting right with God, surrendering their lives to Jesus afresh, fighting back their tears. It was God's Work. During the workshop time, I could teach the young people from God's Word the secrets of overcoming temptation taking on very interesting questions along the way such as "Why did God even allow 'passing pleasure' in sin?" Also, was honored to be part of a Talk Show for the whole crowd, where God gave me grace to talk about perils of pornography and bust the biggest excuse people use to watch porn which is, "I am watching porn to learn sex technique which I will only use inside of marriage." Other hot topics were covered brilliantly by other experts and I thank God for each one of them. And yes, I also got to speak to over 40 pastors who also turned up for this event on "Ministering to the presentday youth understanding their culture!". In this talk I named the youth of today using five phrases - The Google Generation, The Gadget Generation, The Twitter Troupe, The Hitec Herd, The Facebook Folk - and explained who they were. I challenged my hearers to minister to them like Amos (attacking the sins they lived in boldly), like Jesus (wrapping Bible truth around contemporary events - Lk 13:1-5) and like Paul (including reference from the secular world in their messages - Acts 17). Two of my books, NO BEATING ABOUT THE BUSH STRAIGHT TALK ON HUSHED UP MATTERS and GOODNEWS FOR THE GOOGLE GENERATION, were enthusiastically bought by young people in this camp. Even as I am typing this, I am getting up to clap for the volunteers of the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad. Their tireless hard work was like a cog in the wheel for this historic, destiny-changing youth camp!


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