Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Brief December 2011 Ministry Report

Bro. Duke took time out in December 2011 to write G4 Mission Annual Report. Here are the opening lines of that interesting report: “It is going to be just  another Sunday Morning Church message I am going to deliver as a guest preacher,” Duke thought. But God had a surprise for him, waiting. Just before he was given the mike in a church he preached in, in the year 2011, the pastor’s daughter, a young woman in her early twenties, took the mike. She said, “When I was in still in Boarding School, Duke anna came to preach there. The year was 2001. He preached a message on beating sexual temptations from the book of Amos. He challenged us students to write in our Bibles, ‘I will wait till marriage to have sex!’ He asked us to swap Bibles have our neighbors sign as witnesses for what we had written. I wanted to be pure in the one life I have to live. So I did what Duke anna asked us to do. After I graduated from that school and went on with life, there were temptations that crossed my path. But I am glad to let you know that I am a virgin today. I am so glad that very same Duke anna is now in my dad’s church to preach God’s Word this Sunday morning!” Please visit to read the full 14-page annual report of G4 Mission. In December 2011, Bro. Duke preached in these following Christmas-themed events: 1. “Impossible Made Possible!” Event @ the G4 Mission Rented Base in Hyderabad. 2. Synergy Christmas Event in Bangalore (in which over 1000 distinguished guests heard his stirring Gospel presentation, “The Combination Champion!”) 3.  In Hyderabad’s largest Lutheran Church’s Youth Christmas Meet (in which over 1000 people gathered to hear Bro. Duke speak from Herod’s life and there was a good respond to the altar call). 4. YMCA Staff Christmas, Secunderabad. 5. At the Power AG Church in Hassan, Karnataka, led by Pastor C. Thomas, full of down-to-earth village folk. 6. In a AG Church Youth Meeting In Hosur Road. God used Bro. Duke’s messages to challenge those who came.

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