Rev. Dr. B. Ebenezer, the Executive Director of Metropolitan Mission, invited Duke Jeyaraj and Evangelin Duke to preach God's Word in the Mega Youth Festival Organised by his ministry in Vijayawada on 2 October 2012. Despite drizzle and the fact that two other major youth events were on in the city at the same time, over 2500 youth from Vijayawada and nearby towns filled a huge auditorium in the Loyola College in Vijayawada to be drenched in the rain of God's Word put in the context of young people and the issues they face.

The poster that invited youth for this program said: He looks at you(th); He loves you(th); He is Jesus. Mark 10.21. Duke's first message based on Jesus' interaction with the rich young ruler drove home the message that while Jesus loved young people just as they were, they had to repent from sin and come to him in faith. Duke explained the cross of Christ in this simple, direct, message which was interpreted into Telugu. And several of the youth, came forward, knelt down and accepted Jesus.

Evangelin Duke preached next. She walked and talked about how young people can develop God-pleasing relationships with people in their lives - parents, elders, friends and the opposite sex. The climax was of that authoritative Bible teaching session was her clear, crisp, captivating teaching on how young people should relate with the opposite sex with Biblical boundaries clearly drawn. At the back flap of their Bibles, the young people wrote statements that vowed to stay away from all forms of pre-marital sex as Evan challenged them to do it. At the end of that session, young people came forward to get right with God in the area of relationships.

In the final message of the Day, Duke began by the assertion that there was only one life to live and there was no chance of anyone being reborn as a fly (as the popular movie Eaga tries to suggest). So, that one life, had to be lived for Jesus, Duke pointed out. He used the Bible character of Amos to challenge youth to surrender that one life fully to Jesus and for his Kingdom work. Young people came forward to give their "one" life for Jesus and his great work. Moving scenes were witnessed.

For well over one hour after the meetings, some young people came to the stage to interact with Duke and Evan and pray with them. "I have decided to get involved in doing God's work passionately. Please pray for me."; "I want to beat temptation to lust and live a holy life. Please pray for me."; "Every word of what you spoke was to me. Please pray for me." - these were some of the requests from the young people's mouth. A man who was tormented by demons was prayed over by Evan Duke. After prayer, he got up as a calm man! The days of the supernatural did not end in the Bible days!
This program featured good exhortations for the young people from Rev. Dr. B. Ebenezer and Rev. Noel Ebenezer as well. Pastor's younger son, Bro. Silvanus Joel ably assisted by Bro.Vara Prasad, a teacher in a college, was the brain behind this mega youth festival.
Dale, 8, and Datasha, 4, were also with Duke and Evan during the event. Dale took notes of his parents' messages and took some pictures too!
Earlier, on the 30th September, Duke preached in the Sunday service of St. John Evangelical Church, Vijayawada. His message from the 'Let us' statements of the book of Hebrews challenged and encouraged the believers. There were requests that he make available the outline of this message which would bless any church congregation in this planet! In the same evening, Evangelin preached a practical message on how to shine for Jesus to the church congregation.
While en route to Vijayawada, Duke's T20 Gospel tract was handed over to several co-passengers. Preaching to large crowds is just one small way of doing ministry - Duke and Evan believe.
Pastor Ebenezer and his church team took wonderful care of Duke and his entire family during the fruitful ministry trip and they are grateful.
October 2, 2012, Vijayawada - 2500 young people were blessed in the Mega Youth Festival organised by the Metropolitan Mission in which Evan and Duke had the privilege of preaching God's Word in. Commitments for salvation, holy living and ministry galore. "This is God's Work. We rub our eyes - we can hardly believe it!" - Psa 118:23, The Message. Thank you very much for praying.