“The sermon you preached as a school boy touched me. Now, I am in full-time ministry!” (Notes of encouragement that Duke and Evan have received off late)
Wow fabulous indeed! Glory to GOD for your life. August 9, 1991 (the day Duke first preached as a 16-year-old in Ida Scudder School) rings a distinct bell! I think you preached from Matthew 5! “If your eyes causes you to sin, gouge it out!” I was a shy and timid 8th grader in the audience in Ida Scudder School as GOD got me grounded. That was one of those significant days in my life, when I had to face my Creator head on. He did it through you, man! I've moved on from there to FFJ (a fellowship which Duke started in Vellore in the year 1988) and been challenged again there by your contribution in getting this group going. God was good to me and I could be successful in my profession - I was the personal Physio for the Tamil Chief Minister, Mr. Karunanidhi! God took me to Netherlands to be a part of an elite intellectual research group on Hemophilia. I was featured in local news – both on Paper and the TV. But the best of it all is that I'm now serving the LORD full-time with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries as the Asst. Head of Training from Mumbai. I know, I have miles to go before I sleep and I acknowledge GOD using you to fire me up. Fondly remembering you, Duke! Continue to be a firebrand for GOD! – An accomplished Physiotherapist now serving God full-time with RZIM, Mumbai
You and Evan akka really touched my heart and life. I still remember some of the messages you shared to our youth group. Thank you for ministering to me when I was a lost teenager :). – A Young Woman of Indian Origin in the U.S.
Dear Brother Duke and Sister Evangeline,
The new issue of your esteemed magazine which I love to read with the lead article by Evan Duke titled, "Desperate for a Miracle?" spoke to me directly. – a former employee of HSBC, Hyderabad
I just read the description of your ministry below and found the word 'Google' in many instances -- and I'm a part of it because I work in Google myself! :) I really admire the work you do and the mission you've taken on. – a Google employee living in Hyderabad
When you preached in our church recently you preached an apt message that touched the hearts of everyone who assembled. It was in the right hour that God gave a warning to the Church as He loves His Children. – a young woman writing from an Indian City
Hello Uncle Duke,
I read the article you penned, “How Far Is Too Far?” (on the issue of Boy-Girl Physical Intimacy from the light of the Bible). I was really blessed. God warned me through that article that made delightful reading. I learnt many deep practical Bible truths which no one else has taught me so far. I praise God for you and your Mission. Thank You. – a young girl writing from an Indian Town
My mom got your magazine, The Days Of Your Youth, when you preached in a church in Chennai. She passed it onto me. It is too good! I would like to get information on subscribing for it! – an Indian Young Woman living in the US
I am really blessed by listening to all the CD messages which I recently bought. It was worth the investment. I have uploaded some of those audio messages onto my phone so that I can listen to them, time and again. God bless you. – an Employee of Dell, Hyderabad
Wow fabulous indeed! Glory to GOD for your life. August 9, 1991 (the day Duke first preached as a 16-year-old in Ida Scudder School) rings a distinct bell! I think you preached from Matthew 5! “If your eyes causes you to sin, gouge it out!” I was a shy and timid 8th grader in the audience in Ida Scudder School as GOD got me grounded. That was one of those significant days in my life, when I had to face my Creator head on. He did it through you, man! I've moved on from there to FFJ (a fellowship which Duke started in Vellore in the year 1988) and been challenged again there by your contribution in getting this group going. God was good to me and I could be successful in my profession - I was the personal Physio for the Tamil Chief Minister, Mr. Karunanidhi! God took me to Netherlands to be a part of an elite intellectual research group on Hemophilia. I was featured in local news – both on Paper and the TV. But the best of it all is that I'm now serving the LORD full-time with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries as the Asst. Head of Training from Mumbai. I know, I have miles to go before I sleep and I acknowledge GOD using you to fire me up. Fondly remembering you, Duke! Continue to be a firebrand for GOD! – An accomplished Physiotherapist now serving God full-time with RZIM, Mumbai
You and Evan akka really touched my heart and life. I still remember some of the messages you shared to our youth group. Thank you for ministering to me when I was a lost teenager :). – A Young Woman of Indian Origin in the U.S.
Dear Brother Duke and Sister Evangeline,
The new issue of your esteemed magazine which I love to read with the lead article by Evan Duke titled, "Desperate for a Miracle?" spoke to me directly. – a former employee of HSBC, Hyderabad
I just read the description of your ministry below and found the word 'Google' in many instances -- and I'm a part of it because I work in Google myself! :) I really admire the work you do and the mission you've taken on. – a Google employee living in Hyderabad
When you preached in our church recently you preached an apt message that touched the hearts of everyone who assembled. It was in the right hour that God gave a warning to the Church as He loves His Children. – a young woman writing from an Indian City
Hello Uncle Duke,
I read the article you penned, “How Far Is Too Far?” (on the issue of Boy-Girl Physical Intimacy from the light of the Bible). I was really blessed. God warned me through that article that made delightful reading. I learnt many deep practical Bible truths which no one else has taught me so far. I praise God for you and your Mission. Thank You. – a young girl writing from an Indian Town
My mom got your magazine, The Days Of Your Youth, when you preached in a church in Chennai. She passed it onto me. It is too good! I would like to get information on subscribing for it! – an Indian Young Woman living in the US
I am really blessed by listening to all the CD messages which I recently bought. It was worth the investment. I have uploaded some of those audio messages onto my phone so that I can listen to them, time and again. God bless you. – an Employee of Dell, Hyderabad
It was such a blessing for my Husband and I to enter the new month in God’s presence in your base! Thank you for introducing the month-end mid-night meetings in Hyderabad – a college professor in Hyderabad
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