Friday, May 20, 2011


Singapore is the land of Merlion. Duke Jeyaraj and Evanelin Duke recently ministered there.

The Lord opened the door for Duke and Evan to preach in the country of Singapore in Feb-Mar 2011.

They were invited by PROFIT Fellowship - a fellowship of professionals who gather under the banner of GEMS ministry, all working in Singapore.

They preached in different events organised by Profit and also in two different churches during their two week stay.

Duke spoke in a young professionals meet of Profit in which about 50 young professionals gathered.

Duke used the story of the two wayward sisters found in Ezekiel 23 and preached a Gospel message to them.

Some young people came to Christ following the meeting.

Duke preached to a group of GEMS supporters in the GEMS Missions Centre in Singapore. A group of about 30 gathered.

Duke spoke to them from the life of Daniel and challenged them to be Daniels in their place of work. Placing their hands in their heart, they vowed to be Daniels.

Duke spoke to the senior professionals involved with Profit in yet another meeting. Duke spoke to them from the life of Nehemiah. They were touched by that thought - provoking message.

Evangelin Duke address about 15 home-makers of Singapore in a Profit event on how to do ministry even though you stayed at home. This talk was extremely practical.

Duke and Evan spent two days ministering in the Christ Church, Singapore.

Duke spoke to the teens, twenties and parents in a Saturday meeting. He spoke on the subject of Relationships. Relationships between parents-children, boys-girls, friends, and younsters-older folk. The Lord blessed the message and Duke spent time answering questions from the young people and their parents.

The next day, Duke preached in the Sunday service of the Christ Church. He challenged the Church for the ministry of intercession.

After the service, Duke spoke to the teens of the church on overcoming temptations using an outline that involved 5 Bs. The teens came forward, knelt down and committed their lives for holy living.

During the same time, Evan, Duke's wife spoke to about 30 women of this church on the task of witnessing in a very practical way.

Duke, later spoke in the church lead by Pastor Jacob for Telugu workers in Singapore.

Duke preached a message from the book of Ecclesiastes - a Gospel message. The Lord blessed that message which the pastor interpreted into Telugu. At the end of the message, 20 young boys came forward and gave their lives to Christ.

In the first weekend of March 2011, in a beachside bungalow in Singapore, Duke-Evan spoke to a crowd that gradually swelled to 50. It was a Profit Family Camp Meeting.

Duke spoke five messages titled under spread over 36 hours:

How To Prepare To Receive From God (from a Psalm)
Marks of a Backsliding Believer (from the book of Malachi)
Market Place Evangelism - Whys and Hows (from the book of Amos and from other portions of the Bible)
Why God Created Marriage (from various passages)
Why Market Place Evangelism Is Most Urgent (from various passages)

Evan preached two pivotal messages in this camp:

Small Start. Smashing Finish.
The Holy Spirit - The Oil Who Makes Us Toil For The Lord

People were immensely blessed. After Evan's sessions, people had encounters with the Holy Spirit.After Duke's message on Evangelism, the campers were divided into groups and they enacted skits using what they learnt. After the final message of Duke a vast majority of the campers dedicated their time, talents, treasures to do God's Work through Profit ministries.

About 100 message CDS of Duke-Evan and 40 plus books of Duke on what the Bible teaches about hot topics such as sex, love, marriage and more (STRAIGHT TALK) were sold during these meetings.

Duke's magazine, The Days of Your Youth, was given free to those who asked for it (about 100 mags).

This was the fifth country that Duke preached in after India, Germany, Nepal, Bangladesh.

Please contact us at +91-8886040605 if you desire to buy the DVDs of the messages that Duke Jeyaraj preached in the country of Singapore.

Published below are the notes of encouragement, received by Duke and Evan, mainly via FaceBook!

“The sermon you preached as a school boy touched me. Now, I am in full-time ministry!” (Notes of encouragement that Duke and Evan have received off late)

Wow fabulous indeed! Glory to GOD for your life. August 9, 1991 (the day Duke first preached as a 16-year-old in Ida Scudder School) rings a distinct bell! I think you preached from Matthew 5! “If your eyes causes you to sin, gouge it out!” I was a shy and timid 8th grader in the audience in Ida Scudder School as GOD got me grounded. That was one of those significant days in my life, when I had to face my Creator head on. He did it through you, man! I've moved on from there to FFJ (a fellowship which Duke started in Vellore in the year 1988) and been challenged again there by your contribution in getting this group going. God was good to me and I could be successful in my profession - I was the personal Physio for the Tamil Chief Minister, Mr. Karunanidhi! God took me to Netherlands to be a part of an elite intellectual research group on Hemophilia. I was featured in local news – both on Paper and the TV. But the best of it all is that I'm now serving the LORD full-time with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries as the Asst. Head of Training from Mumbai. I know, I have miles to go before I sleep and I acknowledge GOD using you to fire me up. Fondly remembering you, Duke! Continue to be a firebrand for GOD! – An accomplished Physiotherapist now serving God full-time with RZIM, Mumbai

You and Evan akka really touched my heart and life. I still remember some of the messages you shared to our youth group. Thank you for ministering to me when I was a lost teenager :). – A Young Woman of Indian Origin in the U.S.

Dear Brother Duke and Sister Evangeline,
The new issue of your esteemed magazine which I love to read with the lead article by Evan Duke titled, "Desperate for a Miracle?" spoke to me directly. – a former employee of HSBC, Hyderabad

I just read the description of your ministry below and found the word 'Google' in many instances -- and I'm a part of it because I work in Google myself! :) I really admire the work you do and the mission you've taken on. – a Google employee living in Hyderabad

When you preached in our church recently you preached an apt message that touched the hearts of everyone who assembled. It was in the right hour that God gave a warning to the Church as He loves His Children. – a young woman writing from an Indian City

Hello Uncle Duke,
I read the article you penned, “How Far Is Too Far?” (on the issue of Boy-Girl Physical Intimacy from the light of the Bible). I was really blessed. God warned me through that article that made delightful reading. I learnt many deep practical Bible truths which no one else has taught me so far. I praise God for you and your Mission. Thank You. – a young girl writing from an Indian Town

My mom got your magazine, The Days Of Your Youth, when you preached in a church in Chennai. She passed it onto me. It is too good! I would like to get information on subscribing for it! – an Indian Young Woman living in the US

I am really blessed by listening to all the CD messages which I recently bought. It was worth the investment. I have uploaded some of those audio messages onto my phone so that I can listen to them, time and again. God bless you. – an Employee of Dell, Hyderabad

It was such a blessing for my Husband and I to enter the new month in God’s presence in your base! Thank you for introducing the month-end mid-night meetings in Hyderabad – a college professor in Hyderabad

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Found above are four DVDs of Duke recently released. Theoson Kanakaraj and Joel Joseph, our ministry volunteers, have painstakingly designed the covers of these DVDs. The titles of the messages found in these DVDs are printed in the DVD cover itself. You will discover that each of the messages found in these DVDs are practical, biblical, brutally frank and wrapped around contemporary events. Duke has deliberately preached the way Jesus preached in Luke 13 and Paul did in Acts 17, packaging Bible Truth around contemporary events. If you went to Duke’s Facebook account under ‘Duke Jeyaraj’ you will find all the covers of his DVD Messages and MP3 Messages in his photo section. While there are over 20 CDs in the direct English format, there are DVDs in the English to different Indian Vernacular Languages format (i.e., Telugu/Tamil/Malayalam format). The price of each CD (DVD or MP3) is Rs. 50/- The courier charges to send upto 10 DVDs is Rs.60/- (and Rs.600/- for out-of-India addresses). Let us know your requirement via a Facebook Message, or a text message to +91-8886040605.


In the month of November, on the 7th, the book of Leviticus was practically summarized by Duke in a meeting held at his base in Kanajiguda, Secunderabad. The very name of that book was used as a short-form for its message. 7th November is also Billy Graham’s birthday. Therefore, Duke also shared on the topic, “What Makes Billy Graham So Special!” on that day. The young working professionals from different companies and churches were encouraged and challenged. In the month of January, on the first Sunday evening, there was another meeting at Duke’s base for a life-transforming study on the Habits of Jesus. On the 31st October, between 11 pm to 1 am, there was a meeting with a focus on entering the new month in God’s presence. As Duke’s birthday fell on 31st October, he shared on the subject, “How I Discovered My Life Calling and Found My Life Partner!” before sharing from the Bible. This frank talk touched the folk there. This talk was video-recorded like many other talks of Duke given at his base so that it could be shared with a wider audience. On November 30th, a never-before-seen number gathered at Duke’s base for the month-end mid-night prayer to hear very an encouraging and balanced message on miracles.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Duke Jeyaraj, along with his team of volunteers, hired the closed room in the first floor of the KFC Restaurant in Vikrampuri, Secunderabad on a Sunday Evening in December 2010 and held an evangelistic event there with a Christmas cum World AIDS Day theme. Around 20 folks gathered including those from Google, Deloitte, GE, etc. Shruthi Joy conducted a game that lightened the mood of the audience. “Scotty” Samuel and Joel Joseph helped with the worship and music. Fru Elvis came with a creative Gospel presentation. Kalyan and Esther took care of the physical arrangements. Duke shared a talk, ‘Wrong Philosophies Questioned By Christmas,’ which naturally lead the crowd into an animated discussion. In the discussion, the believers in the crowd used apologetics to share the Gospel in an informal way. Duke also led a quiz in this unique event which passed out the message of abstinence to those who came. Those part of the Bible Study group who could not go their respective homes on Christmas Day were warmly invited to have Christmas fellowship lunch with the Dukes at their base.


On a December day evening in 2010, Duke preached in the Centenary Baptist Church, Secunderabad, a leading church in Hyderabad, from the life of Joseph (NT). He talked about the things this Joseph gave up to make the first Christmas happen in order to challenge those who gathered to hear him. Later on, Duke challenged the believers in the crowd as well, briefly. Evangelin Duke, Duke’s wife, lead in a ripple-causing prayer in the 31 December 2010 watch night service in the New Life AG Church in Hyderabad where over 8000 people were in attendance.