Wednesday, November 24, 2010


On October 31st, Duke turned 36. In the same day, there was a month-end mid-night prayer at his base in Kanajiguda. Over a dozen youth turned up. There were youth from the countries of Ethoipia and Cameroon as well as they were from companies such as GE Money. God blessed this time that was earmarked to enter the new month in God's presence. Duke shared from his life in this service using a bunch of Ps (Pampered Duke to Pioneer Duke) and capped it off with a promise message from Psalm 1 explaining to those who gathered what they had to do claim this promise in their life: Whatever he does, will prosper! The story of Duke's life was video-recorded. Couple of youth who were there in this meeting posted messages in Facebook saying how they were blessed by Duke's testimony in this meeting. There was a similar prayer on September 30th. And, God willing, on November 30th, a Tuesday, another such mid-night month-end prayer would be conducted in Duke's base in Military Dairy Farm Road, Tirumalgiri, Secunderabad. What can be a better priority than to enter the new month in God's presence? Why don't you join in?!

Duke celebrated his 36th birthday on 31 Oct, the day when there was midnite month end prayer in his base

Duke's wife, Evan watches as Duke cuts his birthday cake in this meeting

About a dozen youth from the Corporate world attended this meeting that began at 11 pm on Oct 31st

There was time for tea n fellowship following this month end midnite meeting

It was interesting to note that two young men, one from Cameroon and one from Ethoipia were in this midnite monthend prayer

Duke summarized his life to the Corporates who came for this Midnite prayer

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