Wednesday, November 24, 2010
On October 31st, Duke turned 36. In the same day, there was a month-end mid-night prayer at his base in Kanajiguda. Over a dozen youth turned up. There were youth from the countries of Ethoipia and Cameroon as well as they were from companies such as GE Money. God blessed this time that was earmarked to enter the new month in God's presence. Duke shared from his life in this service using a bunch of Ps (Pampered Duke to Pioneer Duke) and capped it off with a promise message from Psalm 1 explaining to those who gathered what they had to do claim this promise in their life: Whatever he does, will prosper! The story of Duke's life was video-recorded. Couple of youth who were there in this meeting posted messages in Facebook saying how they were blessed by Duke's testimony in this meeting. There was a similar prayer on September 30th. And, God willing, on November 30th, a Tuesday, another such mid-night month-end prayer would be conducted in Duke's base in Military Dairy Farm Road, Tirumalgiri, Secunderabad. What can be a better priority than to enter the new month in God's presence? Why don't you join in?!
Duke celebrated his 36th birthday on 31 Oct, the day when there was midnite month end prayer in his base

Friday, November 19, 2010
The Youth Arise team lead by two young men, Ashirwad and John, invited Duke and Evan to preach in their annual youth convention in Narsapur, a sleepy coastal town in Andhra Pradesh, October 15-16, 2010. Over 700 young people turned up. After the first message which Duke from the book of Galatians titled, Solemn Facts About Salvation, many young people came forward knelt down and accepted Jesus as Savior, confessing their sins after repenting from them. After that, Evan taught the women on Relationships and Wise Life Partner Choice while Duke taught the men on Sexual Immorality. The sessions were proved enlightening, enthralling, educating and life-changing for the audience. After this session, Evan preached on 8 Bs that would help youth beat temptation and live a holy life. The youth who were serious about overcoming temptation came forward and spent time at the altar after this message. The next day, Duke taught the youth about the Holy Spirit and the blessing he brings into a young person's life. At the end of the message young people were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. In the last session, Duke challenged the young people for witnessing. Many youth made practical decisions like, "I will start a prayer cell in my college" after this message. Duke also called those who wanted to commit their lives for full time ministry forward. And a bunch of youth did. They climbed on the stage and the servants of God present in the hall prayed for these youth. Duke gave practical instructions to them like this: "Marry only a believer who has committed his/her life for fulltime ministry!" Overall it was very blessed camp in Narsapur. Duke and Evan stayed back one more day after the convention and enjoyed a day visiting the beach. God, first, Family, second, Ministry, last is the right order! The stronger the family bond, the more effective will be the ministry! Duke also encouraged the core team of Youth Arise to keep the fire burning in a session with them the day after the convention. Duke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeyaraj took care of Dale(6) and Datasha(2), the kids of Duke n Evan, when they were away to preach in this convention. God bless them!
Narsapur camp, at the altar
Evan preaching on beating temptation in Narsapur
Bible, Brotherhood, Blood, - Evan listed the Bs to beat teamptation in Narsapur
Young people in Narsapur was quite interested in the preaching of the Word by Duke n Evan this October
There were young people who committed their lives for fulltime ministry in Narsapur after Duke gave the challenge
Duke encouraged the core group of the Youth Arise Team that organised the Narsapur camp to keep the fire inside burning
Duke in New Life AG Church Life Ho To Aisi, Oct 2010
The Youth Arise team lead by two young men, Ashirwad and John, invited Duke and Evan to preach in their annual youth convention in Narsapur, a sleepy coastal town in Andhra Pradesh, October 15-16, 2010. Over 700 young people turned up. After the first message which Duke from the book of Galatians titled, Solemn Facts About Salvation, many young people came forward knelt down and accepted Jesus as Savior, confessing their sins after repenting from them. After that, Evan taught the women on Relationships and Wise Life Partner Choice while Duke taught the men on Sexual Immorality. The sessions were proved enlightening, enthralling, educating and life-changing for the audience. After this session, Evan preached on 8 Bs that would help youth beat temptation and live a holy life. The youth who were serious about overcoming temptation came forward and spent time at the altar after this message. The next day, Duke taught the youth about the Holy Spirit and the blessing he brings into a young person's life. At the end of the message young people were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. In the last session, Duke challenged the young people for witnessing. Many youth made practical decisions like, "I will start a prayer cell in my college" after this message. Duke also called those who wanted to commit their lives for full time ministry forward. And a bunch of youth did. They climbed on the stage and the servants of God present in the hall prayed for these youth. Duke gave practical instructions to them like this: "Marry only a believer who has committed his/her life for fulltime ministry!" Overall it was very blessed camp in Narsapur. Duke and Evan stayed back one more day after the convention and enjoyed a day visiting the beach. God, first, Family, second, Ministry, last is the right order! The stronger the family bond, the more effective will be the ministry! Duke also encouraged the core team of Youth Arise to keep the fire burning in a session with them the day after the convention. Duke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeyaraj took care of Dale(6) and Datasha(2), the kids of Duke n Evan, when they were away to preach in this convention. God bless them!
700 youth were blessed in the Youth Arise Youth Camp at Narsapur in which Duke n Evan preached this October

Duke Jeyaraj was invited by Pastor Pastor Younus Samuel of the Youth Alive, the youth ministry of New Life AG Church, Secunderabad. This event was called Life Ho To Aisi. The meeting took place in Millennium Gardens, a wedding reception place in Secunderabad. After a power-packed, thrilling, dose of songs, choreos, skits, Duke preached to the 1000 strong Google Generation from companies such as Google, Delloitte, Dell, Genpact, Bank of America present and various top city colleges present there using the text of John 10:10, "I have come to give you life - life to the full!" God had put in Duke's heart to speak from John 10:10 on 10/10 (October 30th)! Duke talked about three things the Devil would do in this message which began with a line about the movie HISSS before talking about the full life Jesus came to offer. He went to talk about cancer-stricken Hollywood actor Michael Douglas in this deeply-moving gospel presentation. "Only Jesus can fill that vacuum in your heart!" - Duke asserted. At the end of it, there were over 100 youth who came forward to receive Jesus as Savior. Some were fighting back their tears. There were friends from Islamic background, Hindu background, Nominal Christian background etc in this group. God was clearly moving mightily that evening! They were taken backstage and counselled by the core team of Youth Alive. Preaching in events like this has underlined Duke's basic call - to be an evangelist to the Google Generation!

On October 9, 2010, Duke Jeyaraj was invited by Pastor Younus Samuel to preach in the God@Work service of New Life AG Church in Hyderabad. About 500 people from the Corporate World, Government Sector were present. Companies such as Google, Dell, Delloitte, Accenture, Genpact, Bank of America were represented. Duke spoke from the life of Joseph on overcoming temptations at Work from the Bible chapter of Genesis 39. Duke used the acronymn JOSEPH to outline 6 crucials lessons on overcoming temptations at work in what was a powerful, practical talk in which he referred to Narayana Murthy, Rajinikanth, etc. At the end of this talk, several young working professionals indicated their willingness to be Josephs in their place of work during the time of prayer. Duke's resources - message CDs, Magazines, Books - sold briskly after this event. Contact us at 9441352433 if you want a DVD copy of the message that Duke preached in this event. God bless you!
500 young people came to hear Duke speak on Beating Tempations at Work in New Life AG Church in Hyd on 9 Oct
The audience at New Life AG church were treated by a gripping talk on how Joseph beat his temptations at work by Duke
Lord, I want 2 be like Joseph in my work place - so says a young man who was in Duke's message on Joseph in New Life AG church on 10 Oct
On October 9, 2010, Duke Jeyaraj was invited by Pastor Younus Samuel to preach in the God@Work service of New Life AG Church in Hyderabad. About 500 people from the Corporate World, Government Sector were present. Companies such as Google, Dell, Delloitte, Accenture, Genpact, Bank of America were represented. Duke spoke from the life of Joseph on overcoming temptations at Work from the Bible chapter of Genesis 39. Duke used the acronymn JOSEPH to outline 6 crucials lessons on overcoming temptations at work in what was a powerful, practical talk in which he referred to Narayana Murthy, Rajinikanth, etc. At the end of this talk, several young working professionals indicated their willingness to be Josephs in their place of work during the time of prayer. Duke's resources - message CDs, Magazines, Books - sold briskly after this event. Contact us at 9441352433 if you want a DVD copy of the message that Duke preached in this event. God bless you!

On October 10, a Sunday, in the evening. Duke lead a practical summary study in the book of Exodus for the Google Generation (about 20) that gathered in his Kanajiguda Base. In the crowd was a young man from Cameroon. This was the 36th such book he is summarizing after moving to Hyderabad following God's dictates, 5 years ago. Duke used the acronym EXODUS to outline the message of the book in a relevant way for modern youth. Shruti Joy lead in the Worship with Thamba. Duke teaches in this study with a view of making disciples of Christ out of the modern youth. He taught on delegating work and its importance under one of the points he shared. He began the study with a reference to an interesting time in World Cup Football 2010. Duke loves to wrap Bible Truth around contemporary events. There was an exciting game also played which Joy lead before Duke spoke. There was a time for fellowship following snacks that were served. The next Bible Study in this series will be in January 2011 first week's Sunday.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A ministry report
The Lord took Duke Jeyaraj and his wife Evangelin and made them a blessing for over 2000 youth who gathered in a large auditorium in Loyola College, in the city of Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. The Metropolitan Mission, under Rev. Dr. Ebenezer's leadership organized this program. This pastor's son Joel took the lead in organising. Bill boards with pictures of Duke and Evan were put up all thro' the city of Vijayawada running up to the meeting. On Oct 2, 2010, it was raining in the morning. People prayed. Rain stopped. And 2000 youth from all over came in and heard the Word.
In the first session, Duke explained why Jesus can be a young person's most understand friend, starting off with a quote from the mouth of Telugu movie star Mahesh Babu. At the end of the message over 75% of the audience stood up and received Jesus as Savior. Next, Duke's wife, Evan, preached on how the youth could beat temptations. She talked about 7 Bs to beat temptations. She stopped after each point to lead the youth in prayer. Several hundreds committed their lives for Holy living. In the final session, Duke came back to explain why that particular time could present the audience the very LAST CHANCE OF SALVATION. The power of God came down. Over 500 youth came to the altar to give their hearts and lives 100% to Jesus. Among them, about 25 people came up to the stage as Duke challenged them to giving their lives for fulltime ministry. As the servants of God started laying on of hands on these youth, they began to be move in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. One young man fell to the floor without anyone even touching him, leave alone pushing him. God was clearly there! Youth were in tears, repenting and committing their lives to Jesus. It was an unforgettable day in Vijayawada. It had witnessed one of its largest ever youth convention! To God be the glory, great things he had done!
The next day, after Evangelin greeted the crowd, Duke spoke to church that organized this event - the St. John's Evangelical Church. He spoke from the Bible character of Uriah.God blessed the message that challenged the church to become soldiers for Jesus instead of being mere seat-warmers! Thank you for praying.
The Holy Spirit convicted many youth in a powerful way in the Vijayawada meetings
One young man went down as the power of God came down without anyone touching him in Vijayawada
About 25 youth committed for fulltime ministry and came to the stage to indicate it in the Vijayawada meeting
Duke preached 2 messages, one on Jesus, the Best Buddy Ever and another on Why No One Should Postpone Salvation
The Lord took Duke Jeyaraj and his wife Evangelin and made them a blessing for over 2000 youth who gathered in a large auditorium in Loyola College, in the city of Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. The Metropolitan Mission, under Rev. Dr. Ebenezer's leadership organized this program. This pastor's son Joel took the lead in organising. Bill boards with pictures of Duke and Evan were put up all thro' the city of Vijayawada running up to the meeting. On Oct 2, 2010, it was raining in the morning. People prayed. Rain stopped. And 2000 youth from all over came in and heard the Word.
In the first session, Duke explained why Jesus can be a young person's most understand friend, starting off with a quote from the mouth of Telugu movie star Mahesh Babu. At the end of the message over 75% of the audience stood up and received Jesus as Savior. Next, Duke's wife, Evan, preached on how the youth could beat temptations. She talked about 7 Bs to beat temptations. She stopped after each point to lead the youth in prayer. Several hundreds committed their lives for Holy living. In the final session, Duke came back to explain why that particular time could present the audience the very LAST CHANCE OF SALVATION. The power of God came down. Over 500 youth came to the altar to give their hearts and lives 100% to Jesus. Among them, about 25 people came up to the stage as Duke challenged them to giving their lives for fulltime ministry. As the servants of God started laying on of hands on these youth, they began to be move in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. One young man fell to the floor without anyone even touching him, leave alone pushing him. God was clearly there! Youth were in tears, repenting and committing their lives to Jesus. It was an unforgettable day in Vijayawada. It had witnessed one of its largest ever youth convention! To God be the glory, great things he had done!
The next day, after Evangelin greeted the crowd, Duke spoke to church that organized this event - the St. John's Evangelical Church. He spoke from the Bible character of Uriah.God blessed the message that challenged the church to become soldiers for Jesus instead of being mere seat-warmers! Thank you for praying.
The city of Vijayawada was filled with posters such as these coaxing youth to come for the 2 Oct rally and 2000 of them came!
Pas Ebenezer, his son Joel and their team organised the Vijaywada Oct 2 programme

2000 youth came for 2 Oct prgramme we preached in

500 youth came to altar to give their lives to Christ in Vijayawada

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