The last three months (May to August 2009) have been

Duke as a college student in Allahabad. He talks about his college days in his article, The Missionary Call From Unbelievers, in the current issue of The Days mag
Eugene Pandian with his family. Even with a pregnant wife and a little son, Eugene gave a lot of time for the creation work of the Issue 18 of our mag
Bible Study in Bro. Christopher’s home

The Bible Study of I Samuel in the month of July, unexpectedly became the last one for Christie Vincent. She passed away after a prolonged battle with heart disease in Chennai, later that month. Despite her numerous health problems, Bible-hungry Christie made it a point to be there for many of the 21 different Bible Book Summary Studies that Duke has lead in Flat 501, KBR Saila Vilas in 21 different months, so far. She would help in leading the singing. Our heart-felt condolences to bereaved family of Christie. The Bible Study group would miss her.

Duke with one team that lead worship in the Interchuch Youth Retreat this July at Musheerabad CSI Church, Secunderabad. After Duke preached a gospel message from the life of Absalom young folks found the Lord
Public Confession of Sins

Rwandan Students were among the 120 who joined the camp that Duke n Evan preached in at Trichy this June
Over 120 young people from 7 towns/cities and the country of Rwanda attended the Countdown 2009 - an inter church youth camp organised by the Trichy Team under the fatherly patronage of Bro. Ravinderan in the serene Shalom Gardens in Trichy.
Stephen Jothiraj, our volunteer-writer working with TCS Bangalore, and a Bachelor(girls,please note!)wrote a hard-hitting article titled,Reckless Abandon, in this issue of our Mag.

Tears after Duke's mission challenge in the Summer for Jesus Youth Convention this May
Witnessing during travel
Train travel times are good witnessing times. When we traveled to Trichy for our meetings there, we could give out our tract, Bubbly Outside Yet Empty Inside, to our co-passengers in the train. Duke would walk to nearby compartments to give out that specially crafted Gospel handout to interested folks. We have guys who walk up and down the train selling movie CDs in our trains. But we don’t have enough folk who would do the same to share the Gospel! Would you, my reader friend, change the situation, by deciding to distribute tracts during your travels? Contact us to grab those tracts.

Nishitha Reddy shares her testimony in a meeting organised before she left for the US to study from Hyderabad. Duke preached a message titled, These Bible Expats Speak To Us....
Duke was invited to speak in a prayer meeting at a packed Roman Catholic Home in Hyderabad this July. A young lady from that home was to leave for the US for higher education. Duke brought an apt, articulate message from the life of Bible Expatriates like Joseph, Daniel, Ezekiel, etc, to mark that occasion. On yet an another occasion, Duke was in the home of Brother Emmanuel Nune in Bowenpally, Hyderabad speaking in a CareCell meeting. Duke spoke on what we must do when a crisis hits us.
The Gospel posted in India Today Group’s site!
A part of Duke’s article on homosexuality (a part in which the Gospel was explained), the lead article in Issue No. 18 of our mag, The Days… was appeared in the website of the widely seen India Today Magazine Group this July. Duke was responding to a blog by Zaka Jacob, one of the news anchors of Headlines Today, the Group’s English News Channel on homosexuality. What gave us immense joy was this: in a small way we were able to broadcast the Gospel in a leading secular website!

The Board Meeting of the ministry that runs this magazine, G4 Mission, was conducted in Chennai on the 28th June. The Board members, Mr. A. Jeyaraj, Pastor A. Gnanasekaran, Mr. Y. Silver Ramesh along with Duke, the founder were present. Mr. Xavier Navamani Raj and I, the two other Board Members could not join in. The ministry reports and accounts were submitted. We are glad to inform our readers that the Lord blessed us with offerings to the tune of Rs.2,92,932 (of which we spent Rs.2,87,904 doing the Lord’s Work) in the financial year 2008-09. All of these came were received from Indians who believe in the vision of this ministry to grab the google generation from Gehenna. All of this came, despite us NOT asking anyone PERSONALLY for any financial support or donation. Individuals gave to our ministry upon the prodding of the Holy Spirit. With “love” offerings coming to us increasing steadily, Duke requested the Board to fix a “neither too high nor too low” salary for both of us who now fully devote all our time for the ministry of G4 Mission.

Duke with Pastor Allwyn Thomas after he preached in his church in Kodambakkam, Chennai. 20 folks committed for fulltime ministry after that revival bringing missionary challenge by Duke in that church
We are looking for an Owned Place…
This issue of our magazine got delayed because we moved houses (and as a result our office also moved because we live in an office-cum-residence). It took quite a while to settle down in the new place near my son’s school, which is also closer to heart of the city. In the long run, we are looking for an owned place that God would give us, so that we can use that place as an office cum residence for this ministry. If the Lord leads you to donate your home for this cause, please let us know through an email at or by making a phone call at +91-9441352433.
Our Upcoming Meetings
Duke will speak, God willing, in the following places in three different Indian states in meetings organized by four different Christian organisations:
Septemeber 5-6 – Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
September 21-23 – Indian Evangelical Mission Convention, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
October 1-3 – Youth For Christ National Discipleship Camp, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
October 17-19 – BTCYF Youth Camp, Mumbai, Maharashtra (Both of us, speak).
Please keep praying for us.
Your keyboard punches, encourages us!
(Testimonies about our ministry received thro the Internet that has encouraged us)
Dear Duke
I am promoting your magazine to my office folks,,,,I send your magazine to all my friends....They are saying it is very useful. - A Software Engineer
Dear Duke
Your poem on Rohit Sharma hitting 21 runs in that IPL game was great! Praise the Lord for the creative ideas He gives you...Go for it - Rajani Joseph Chacko, The US
Dear Duke,
I praise God for the work that He is doing through you. You have been a constant source of encouragement to me. I believe that there are many like me, who are blessed by your insights. I pray that your love for Christ, passion for spreading the Gospel, and vision and burden for the young people never fades. - Derin Justin, Mumbai
Dear Sir Duke
I’m so glad to say that you are one of the best teachers I have ever had. I was a student of Central Bible College, New Delhi, when I sat in your class. Those were the best days of our life! Your Bible insights about lust, sex, etc changed me a lot and I did transfer those to my close friends. Sir, I am happy to let you know that God has brought me now to Kuwait and I have started a church. Isn’t that amazing? – Pastor Blesson John, Kuwait
"Wow Duke, U R same as B4. Nothing has changed. Only y'r beard cut is a bit changed! And by seeing y'r profile, I find U same as U were in SABC (Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore) where I was your M. Div. Class Mate. Always busy, always a Fire Preacher, Innovative preacher, trying to find something new – that’s what you are. I cannot just imagine sitting in one of y'r services. Hope God wills so... Still God is Good! I've kept everything cherished in my heart… the times we spent together during those 2 precious years. Wish.... they could come back once again!!!! Wanna C U. Any programs this area? Soo G8 to find U in FB (Facebook). We'll keep in touch. – Pastor Joseph Rai, Siligury
Hello Duke,
A friend of mine, got me your magazine. It is amazing! Praise God, He is using your talents for His glory to expand his Kingdom. I started reading your blog, and there are lots to read. The content is very specific and direct to the youth. This is what is needed for Christian youth, and which is seldom received from the churches…Enjoyed reading your mag. It sure is a blessing to many. Loved the way you write, totally attention grabbing :) I am going to pass the mag to my teammate.- Beulah
Duke anna,
'We talk very straight to ppl and we do not care abt its consequences…’ That is what you said when you preached in our church last Sunday. I liked that! – A young man, Chennai
Dear Duke,
Your email (on how you found your lifepartner) has caught me spell bound and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen till I completed the last line (though it was quite long). – A Corporate employed person in Hyderabad
Dear Duke anna,
Wow!!!! That's amazing!! I can’t believe you just shared this with me (about how you met your wife via mass email). It's so encouraging. I hope and pray that I too will have a story to tell someday. Thank you so much! – Hephibah Vedamuthu, WCC Student, Chennai
I must applaud your unique work in outlining and summarizing the Books of the Bible through monthly Bible studies and all of that will be of good use in your doctoral program. – Dr. Kumpaty Subha Kumar, The US.
Hi Duke,
Both of you and your wife are doing a great job :-) and I really like the way your wife and you preach. :-) – Hazel, one person who has video graphed many of our messages.
Hello Duke..
It was a blessing to hear you speak at Wesley Church, Musheerabad a few days ago...I learnt a lot about the aftermaths of vague decisions taken without the consent of God...I have learnt a lot about marriage and choosing the right partner...I picked up a DVD with your messages on Wise Life Partner Choice and Relationships and its worth hearing a million times... - Kenny thro Orkut scrap
Sis. Evangeline (Duke)...Awesome preacher.
- A comment found on Facebook below a photo of Evan preaching
After the Message, I wanted to publicly confess my sin….
By Tanyu Elvis Shey
I come from Cameroon, a small country in the armpit of Africa in Central Africa. This country is very famous for football in the world. You can click on this link to see the map .
Presently I am studying (in an university in Hyderabad, India,) RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineering) and I am also a CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) which qualifies me to be an I.T. network engineer.
Like a leech and a lion
When I was still unsaved, I used to club drink and smoke a lot and I was highly addicted to porn. But when I got saved all those bad habits stopped instantly. After a long time, one of them came back and that's watching porn. I had been battling with it and seeking counsel but it clung to me like a leech. I prayed and fasted and this habit did stop for a time but after a few weeks it will come back hunting me like a hungry lion. When the desire to watch it comes, it is like there is a force that overtakes all of your will to deny, even when the Spirit is at same time telling you not to. I would actually feel a spirit pulling me to it and taking control over me and it would not let me go of me until I watched it. Even when away from home, the thing would come over me and take away every other desire from me and put a strong desire in me for it.
After Duke preached….
But I did not give up and continued to fight it and ask God for deliverance constantly. Then during the summer camp at the New Life AG Church, Secunderabad, after Duke Jeyaraj preached a challenging message, the Holy Spirit told me to say it publicly in order to be set free. I walked up to Duke, who just finished preaching, and told him about my desire to publicly confess the sin I was repenting from. Since we had a crunch for time that day with the Holy Spirit Baptism session following, I was not given an opportunity to do that. But God saw my heart and knew I was ready to obey him and he delivered me from it. But there were a lot of people there who may have struggled like I did. That is why the Holy Spirit wanted me to do it that day.
The Devil fools us…
Before I used to be worried being alone in the house for fear that I would be tempted. But now I am free from all that. I don't care how people will look at me when they read the testimony. I only care what God now thinks of me after this confession. The Devil fools us into hiding our sins and try to solve them on our own in private (Read James 5:16). But there is nothing as powerful as the as a public confession of the recurring sin you are repenting from. It seriously disgraces and puts the Devil to shame because truth is the only thing that puts the Devil to shame.
1 comment:
Dear Duke and Evan,
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement :)
I was blessed to minister with you.
Love you guys
Hari Rao
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