Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reaching Youth thro' Powerpoint Presentation, Youtube.com and old-fashioned preaching - Duke Jeyaraj

Nathan - the Moving Movie Maker! Haggai Conference!

The Lord blessed the Haggai India Media Seminar I attended in Greater Noida (in Uttar Pradesh but part of the National Capital Region) (4-8 Feb). Participants from all across the country from the TV media, Radio media, Advertising Meida and Print Media attended. I was blessed by the presentations and classes lead by the distinguished teachers such as Dr. Chris Gnanakan (Bangalore), Mr. Paul Balasundaram (Director, Haggai India, Director), Mr. Sam Rufus (an creative ideas trainer for corporates from Gurgoan), Bro. Rajkumar Ramachandran ('the walking Bible'), Bro. Valentine Davidar (with Haggai Asia), and Mr. Stephen David (of India Today Group). I lead a devotion in which I preached from the life of Nathan whom I called the "moving movie maker!" through a power-point presentation which my friend in the conference, David Sekhar helped me do. Meeting with my good old friend Swarnu and the couple in whose home I was there every other day to receive coffee and counsels during my Allahabad College Days, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson was a special joy during the course of this visit. Distributing tracts in the Rajdhani Express while traveled up and down and to the youth I met in the market place of Greater Noida was even a greater joy. My thanks to Bro. Paul Balasundaram, the excutive director of Haggai India who joined along with Pastor Valson Varghese of New Life AG Church to this crucial conference all expenses-paid.

The Greater Noida Haggai Conference which Duke attended

Duke speaks on the topic, Nathan, the moving movie-maker!

God's presence manifested mightily!
Earlier, the Lord used us to bless over 800 youth who gathered in Chilaklu, Near Vijayawada in an interchurch youth convention – Sunday Morning church service organized by Pastor Prabhudas of New Life Ministries (Jan 31-Feb 1). Youth from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Anglican Church, Baptist Church and other independent churches joined from places such as Vijayawada, Warangal and Hyderabad, apart from nearby villages. We witnessed the power of God being manifested in a mighty way in this camp, as demons ran and people fell to the ground unable to stand – the power of the Holy Spirit over-whelming them during prayer time after a anointed teaching from the Word of God by both Evan and I, on crucial subjects such as Excuses, Temptations, King Ahab and Holy Spirit. Most importantly, many youth accepted the Lord as Savior and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Duke preaches from Proverbs 7 on how to beat temptation with the hosting pastor Pastor Prabhudass interpreting into Telugu in Chillakallu Interchurch Youth Revival Meetings

Evan, Duke's wife preaches on the Holy Spirit in the same meeting. Demons ran, people spoke in tongues for the first time and some fell to the ground overwhelmed by the power of God following this message

Youtube Video of mine with over 1000 hits!

The Lord lead me to upload 12 video clips featuring my talks on Youtube.com. Of them one of them has seen over 1000 hits and I am greatly encouraged to see that. Here is the description of that video clip: Duke Jeyaraj makes a captivating presentation of the Creator's view on actual sex outside of marriage. Duke makes reference to a Preity Zinta's dialogue in her movie, Kya Kehna even as his audience cheers lustily. This clip is a part of a message I preached in the New Life AG Church in May 2007.
Click on
If you would like to watch this video clip. We must use all possible ways to get the message about Jesus across to the masses.

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