G-4 Mission ministry report by Evangelin Duke
About 400 people were there, eager to listen to God's Word. Where? - The spacious prayer hall of the Jesus Calls premises in Secunderabad. Duke was given the mike after a warm welcome by Bro. Bhushnam. Duke's topic was differently titled, "After your miracle..." He challenged the listeners with what God expected them to do following a miracle they received. A senior couple came forward to testify how that message was the need of the hour. Duke spent time praying for sick. We believe that apologetics (the challenge for the mind), Bible-teaching (the challenge for the soul) and miracles (the challenge for the body) must be integrated into our ministry. We have a long way to go in this regard. And we are fasting and praying for this to happen!
This meeting took place in a restaurant. Wong's kitchen they call it. It is in Hitec city, Hyderabad. Duke was there upon the invitation of Pastor Chaitanya, Duke's Bible College room-mate, to bring God's word for one Sunday each in October and November. Duke's messages challenged the congregation that met in Wong's Kitchen - a congregation full of corporate crowd. In one message, Duke used the character of Nehemiah to challenge his listeners with his topic- "If Nehemiah were in Nippuna..." In yet another message, given on yet another Sunday, Duke used the character of Paul to challenge his hearers with the message titled "What motivated a Tent-maker to become a Soul-winner!" The corporates in that church were motivated to plunder hell in their "Dell" (the corporate company they worked for) through life and lips. A powerful time of commitment followed. These two talks, along with two other talks that Duke gave to a largely corporate crowd are available in one MP3 CD. Contact us at +91-9441352433 for details.
Duke led two practical summary Bible Studies for people from different churches on two Bible books, Haggai and Zechariah at the home of Bro. Christopher at Dr. A. S. Rao Nagar, Hyderabad. He used the names of the prophets who wrote these books as acronyms to summarize their message in an interesting and inspiring way. Only when we get back to the Bible, we will see personal and church revival - this conviction drives us to have studies like these!
On November 12, our daughter Datasha celebrated her first birthday. On the roof of our home we called for a meeting. We invited our neighbors from different faiths to be part of that meeting apart from our family and ministry friends. The number swelled to 45. In that meeting Duke wrapped the miraculous story of her birth with the Gospel. Dr. Nallaraj Edward and his wife too shared the Gospel through song and through Bible verses.

Evan in conversation with our neighbours who not only were fed with good food on Datasha's first birthday but also the Gospel from the mouth of Duke wrapped around the miraculous story of Datasha's birth
Three of our volunteers, Shruti Joy, Florussel Satya and Santhosh William, joined us for the celebration of Datasha's first birthday - an event we used to share the Gospel with neighbours who needed to hear of Jesus!
Tracts Distribution
Duke wrote the story of Datasha's miracle birth in the form a Gospel tract and invited people who came to take it. We distributed what was left to couples who were coming in and out of Anu Test Tube Baby Centre in Hyderabad - the most talked-about Test Tube Baby Centre in Andhra Pradesh.
On December 1, 2008, World AIDS Day, Duke distributed yet another Gospel tract of ours which wrapped the Gospel Message around AIDS awareness in the ECIL area of Hyderabad. No day is a wrong day to tell others about Jesus!
One very senior man from a Hindu background came for this meeting upon our invitation. He listened to the Gospel attentively during this meeting. Shortly later he was in his death bed. Duke and I went to see him. Duke again shared the Gospel with him. He got up from his bed, held Duke's hands and started crying like a little child. Duke prayed with him. The next day, he lost his memory and within few days he died.
For seven straight days in the month of November, I got to lead two young people in daily prayer. Duke would join in for sometime. He brought God's Word on different practical topics – fasting, intercession, family, taking care of the body, Holy Spirit and keeping the fire till the end. It was a powerful and blessed time! On the day when the terrorists attacked Mumbai, 26, November 2008, we were in prayer. God poured out an unusual burden in my heart for India on that day. I was not just praying – I was groaning out to God in the Holy Spirit. I am sure that there were many others praying for India at the very same time. These prayers, I believe, moved the Lord to move His Hand of Protection upon Mumbai so that the damage caused by the terrorists was curtailed. Their plan to blow up the Taj did not materialize, as we all know!
On December 12, 2008 Duke made a moving presentation of the Gospel to over 150 corporate employees at Mindspace Raheja IT Park, Hitec City, Hyderabad, in a Christmas Celebration event. Duke began his talk with the narration of the Mumbai Terror Plot and connected with the Salvation Planning Meeting in Heaven. The audience listened sitting on the edge of their seats. Duke ended his 20 minute talk with the sinners' prayer. One young man came to Duke to let him how how he was shivering under the power of God and that he was in tears following that thought-provoking, contemporary events-wrapped Gospel presentation. Corporates from CSC, Bank of America and IBM were there among others in this event organised by the believers of CSC, with Franklin Lalwadi and Suryakala talking the lead along with others.

Duke made a moving presentation of the Gospel at Mindspace Raheja IT Park, Hitec City, Hyderabad on Dec 12, 2008

Over 150 corporate employees from companies such as CSC, Bank of America and IBM listened to Duke that day
Writing in obedience to God's call
The call from God to write is something that Duke takes very seriously. He sometimes has to turn down certain preaching invitations so that he can find time to write what God has laid in his heart. Light of Life, India's leading Christian magazine, published two of Duke's articles recently, titled thus: When Called To Compromise; Ways To Witness This Christmas! Duke's article "Jackie Chan Vs David" was translated into Tamil and published in the Voice of the Shepherd magazine, coming out of Vellore in September 2008.
Over 28,000 Hits!
Every week, Duke continues to post an article on our official ministry website, TheDaysOfYourYouth.com, managed so very well by Santhosh William, our hard-working volunteer. This site now has over 28,000 hits! Talking about hits, I am happy to let you know that the Youtube videos of Duke, now live, is seeing a steady stream of hits as well.
From His hand to yours!
The task of publishing this magazine is quite a challenge and consumes a lot of time. First, Duke collects secular magazines and takes time to go through them. Then, he fishes out interesting events around which Bible truths can be wrapped while staying sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Then, he writes the articles. These articles are then edited by the team of voluntary editors – Stephen Jothiraj, Shruthi Joy and Madgalene Daniel. Simultaneously, photos that will go alongside these articles are fished out by Florussel Satya and Gideon Samuel Gnanasekaran. Navamani Kingsley and Ruby Evangel design CD covers that need to be advertised on the magazine. Duke prayed a heart-warming prayer in the wedding of Ruby Evangel on 10 December. Ravi Alamothu, apart from choosing photos page-engineers the magazine. It is uploaded on the web by Santhosh William. Part of the magazine is uploaded onto our blog by Fenella Prince. Once the magazine is printed, Bro. Christopher along with his friends helps us in the posting.

Duke prayed a heart-warming prayer on the wedding of Ruby Evangel, one of our ministry volunteers on December 10. Ruby has creatively designed the covers for the CDs of Duke's messages
There was a record-breaking response for the message CDs, Books and the Magazines of Duke at the Cornerstone AG Church in Hitec City when Duke preached there two Sundays spread over October and November 2008
Four of Duke's gripping talks to employees of Corporates at various occasions are all available in one MP3 CD, the price of which is fifty rupees. Navamani Kingsley of Delloitte designed this CD cover, for Duke
We value your supplication and support. Thank you for holding the ropes even as we plunge to grab the Gadget Generation from Gehenna!
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