Video Messages for youth preached, by Duke Jeyaraj, are available on the following topics
Just in English ….
1.Finding Purpose in Life (A Gospel message from Ecclesiastes for youth)
2.What The Bible Teaches About Sex
3. Getting Hooked To The Bible (A Challenge for daily Bible Meditation with practical tips on how to do it)
4. Close Shave With Dave (Character study on the life of David for Youth)
6. True Romantic Love (A talk from Song of Songs talking about true love)
7. No One Can Love You Like Jesus (A talk based on the last 12 hours of Jesus' earthly life in which he supremely showed his love for you)
8. The Same God who Kisses can Kill too! (A character study on characters found in the Bible who got killed by God!)
9. Answers to Common Youth Questions (Frank answers from the Bible to common youth question on topics such as Marriage, Healing, Masturbation, Secular Music and Movies, Ministry Involvement, etc)
10. Beating Sexual Temptations (Three practical ways to beat sexual temptation explained in the light of the Bible)
11. Finishing Fantastically (What we must do to keep the fire going in our hearts after the camp is over - a message from Paul's life)
12. I will not be silent (A challenge from Isaiah 6, which make you want to do something for Jesus in this one life you have!)
13. Sinking Ship not Called Titanic (A message by Evangeline Duke – Duke's Wife on how you can relate in a God pleasing way with parents, elders, friends and the opposite gender)
14. Duke Youth Talks MP3 Collection (A selection of over 15 messages that Duke has preached to youth across India on topics such as salvation, temptation, Bible Meditation, sexuality and evangelism, etc in the audio format) This CD is ideal to listen to, during car drives, train journeys or flight journeys.
English translated into Tamil simultaneously
15. Do You Have It In You? (A challenge to youth from questions found in the Bible)
16. Wrong Ideas About Missions
17. Choosing…Your Best Friend and Life Partner
18. Beating Sexual Temptations
19. The Habits of Jesus
20. Duke English to Tamil Messages MP3 Collection. This CD is ideal to listen to, during car drives, train journeys or flight journeys.
These CD messages are soundly biblical, intensely practical, illustrated with contemporary events and designed to make the yahoo youth yearn for Yahweh. Each VCD each costs Rs. 50/-. Indicate which all CDs you require. If you want all the 20 VCDs just sent Rs. 1000/- giving us details of your full address, with pincode and cellphone number. See the end of this piece for an easy way to pay. See the end of this piece for an easy way to pay.
Four books for youth by Duke Jeyaraj in the photocopy-spiral bound format are available.
One is called YOUTH HOWS (Answering 20 how questions of youth such as "How to beat sexual temptation?").
Another is called YOUTH WHYS (Answering 15 why questions of youth called "Why pre-marital sex is dangerous?").
The third book is called YOUTH WHENS (What youth should do when they are in various situations in their life – like when invited for a booze party by their friends, for example).
The fourth book is titled STRAIGHT TALK ON HUSHED UP SUBJECTS WITHOUT BEATING ABOUT THE BUSH. (What the Bible teaches on subjects brushed under the carpet like beating sexual temptation , choosing one's life partner, Orkut, Internet Porn, etc. Some of the chapters of this book are found in Youth Hows and Youth Whys.)
Each book is priced at Rs. 100/- including courier charges. All the three books together for just Rs. 350/-. You will get one message CD free with each book you buy. Again send us your full address with pincode and cellphone number to receive your copy.
A Ton For One Thousand Five Hundred!
If you want all the books, CDS and a five year subscription to this magazine, pay Rs.1500/-. Again, sure you send your full contact information. See the end of this piece to pick up an easy way to pay.
"Wow!" Website!
Meet Duke Jeyaraj online at http://www.thedaysofyouryouth.blogspot.com/and http://www.dukejeyaraj.blogspot.com/ and get to see articles that wrap God's Word around cricket heroes and matches and other contemporary events that will evoke your "Wows!" and warm your heart! The website http://www.g-4mission.blogspot.com/ gives information about the latest ministry and ministry products of Duke Jeyaraj.
If you have an account with ICICI Bank you can do an online transfer to the account of "Duke Jonathan Goforth Jeyaraj" ICICI Bank A/c. Number 024401000969 (12 digit number). Even if you do not, you could walk into any ICICI bank in the country use their cash deposit cover, put in cash, write my account number, and hand it over to the concerned customer service rep. You do not have join a Q to do this. The rep can punch in my account number and verify to you that it is the account of Duke Jonathan Goforth Jeyaraj. The cover will be opened before video cameras and the amount you deposit will reach my account in two hours. What is more you would get an instant receipt from them. You would be required to leave your mobile number in that form. The Bank will call you in case what you have written is not clear. So there is nothing to worry. Do send an sms to +91-9441352433 whenever you do this, so that we can check the account and quickly acknowledge. We appreciate your partnership in this small ministry that makes Yahweh's Word relevant to Yahoo Youth.
Here is our contact address:
The Days Of Your Youth,
C/O Duke Jeyaraj, LIG B 316,
A S Rao Nagar, Hyderabad 500 062,
India. Email – emailduke@gmail.com.
Phones - +91-9441352433 or +91-9440327922
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