The annual report of G4 Mission, the ministry to modern youth founded by Duke Jeyaraj
“I am still a virgin, thanks to…
“It is going to be just another Sunday Morning Church message I am going to deliver as a guest preacher,” Duke thought. But God had a surprise for him, waiting. Just before he was given the mike in a church he preached in, in the year 2011, the pastor’s daughter, a young woman in her early twenties, took the mike. She said, “When I was in still in Boarding School, Duke anna came to preach there. The year was 2001. He preached a message on beating sexual temptations from the book of Amos. He challenged us students to write in our Bibles, ‘I will wait till marriage to have sex!’ He asked us to swap Bibles have our neighbors sign as witnesses for what we had written. I wanted to be pure in the one life I have to live. So I did what Duke anna asked us to do. After I graduated from that school and went on with life, there were temptations that crossed my path. But I am glad to let you know that I am a virgin today. I am so glad that very same Duke anna is now in my dad’s church to preach God’s Word this Sunday morning!”
What that young lady shared greatly encouraged Duke. It was in fact the ‘the testimony of the year’!
“It is going to be just another Sunday Morning Church message I am going to deliver as a guest preacher,” Duke thought. But God had a surprise for him, waiting. Just before he was given the mike in a church he preached in, in the year 2011, the pastor’s daughter, a young woman in her early twenties, took the mike. She said, “When I was in still in Boarding School, Duke anna came to preach there. The year was 2001. He preached a message on beating sexual temptations from the book of Amos. He challenged us students to write in our Bibles, ‘I will wait till marriage to have sex!’ He asked us to swap Bibles have our neighbors sign as witnesses for what we had written. I wanted to be pure in the one life I have to live. So I did what Duke anna asked us to do. After I graduated from that school and went on with life, there were temptations that crossed my path. But I am glad to let you know that I am a virgin today. I am so glad that very same Duke anna is now in my dad’s church to preach God’s Word this Sunday morning!”
What that young lady shared greatly encouraged Duke. It was in fact the ‘the testimony of the year’!
Standing next to a corpse n preaching God’s word from a Smart Phone!
Duke in 2011 stood next to the corpse of the dead father of the one of the young women who is a regular to the meetings at his base and preached a message from Psalm 68. He preached from the ESV Bible which was housed on his smart phone! He had to improvise this way, as he was put in that spot without notice! That message blessed those who gathered.
Many more interesting things like these happened in Duke’s ministry in 2011….
2011 began with Evangelin Duke praying a an anointed prayer before a crowd of 10,000 people on the early hours of 1 January. That prayer made in the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad, the church which Duke and Evan regularly attend if they are not away from Hyderabad on ministry tours, stirred hearts.
Jesus once said those who were in fulltime ministry, The Pharisees, this: “You must have done the former without forsaking the later!” In other words, Jesus was saying that we must have done BOTH. Both the good things! 2011, in many ways, was the year of doing BOTH for Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission (G4 Mission – Gehenna is the Greek word Jesus used for hell), the organization that Duke founded in Feb 2006 to use creative ways to win modern youth to Christ – the organization that he and his wife work for fulltime!
DUKE preached to BOTH large crowds as well as small crowds
In Vijayawada, in January, Duke preached to over 5000 in an Open Ground in meetings organised by the Metropolitan Mission. Several people came to Christ following his message, The Cure For All Curses. In Coimbatore, there were 1600 people who gathered in the Bethel IPA youth event that Duke preached in, during 2011. In Bangalore, there were over 1000 young working professionals and college students who gathered in an auditorium to listen to Duke’s Christmas Gospel presentation in 2011.
The 12 Bible Studies (one each, one month) that Duke conducts at his base in Tirumalgiri area in Secunderabad were attended by small groups of people. They hailed from different corporate companies, colleges, and churches. They were of different age groups as well. This year, by God’s grace, Duke completed summarizing 8 more books of the Bible, bringing the total tally to 45 books of the Bible so summarized in over a period of four years via small group home Bible Studies for Google Genners. After completing all the 39 books of the Old Testament, Duke moved to the New Testament, this year and started off with the book of Romans. The message of the Book was put in the name of the book invariably. For example, the message of Philippians was put in the name of the book itself in the Philippians Book Bible Summary study – a study that saw over 25 Google Genners attend. The sinner’s prayer was prayed by repentant sinners after some of the studies. The young people drew one more step closer to God. Their questions were answers as Duke taught the Bible in an interesting and engaging way.
Mid-night month end prayers were also held in the Hyderabad base of G4 Mission this year. The last such prayer, held from 11:30 pm – 12:30 am (30 Nov-1 Dec, 2011) saw 15 people in attendance, including those from GE and Infosys. During these Mid-night month end prayers, Duke shared a promise message from the Bible. Of course, he took time to explain the condition for these promises to be fulfilled. One such message was titled, “What We Need To Do For God To Meet All Our Needs” – a message aptly shared on the financial year closing day – March 31st! It was such a privilege to enter the New Month in God’s presence. In the home of Brother Bhagu and Sister Angela Moorjani, there was one Midnight Month end prayer held – on Feb 28th – when Duke and Evan were away ministering in Singapore.
2011, WHEN Duke ministered in BOTH in a School and in Colleges in 2011
Duke Jeyaraj preached God’s Word to over 800 students in a posh auditorium in SRM College, Chennai, in April 2011. It was for the first time that audi was given for a Christian meeting! Some students, came forward and gave their lives to Christ, following Duke’s Gospel presentation against India’s World Cup Win backdrop. Duke also went on to speak to about 500 students in the Marthoma Residential School, Tiruvalla, Kerala in Feb 2011. The Gospel was shared from Eccl. 12 in a powerful way, following the invitation of the School Principal, Mr. M. M. Mathew. Duke also shared a message from Ezekiel 23 to the senior students of the School. Matters of their heart – sexual sin – was taken up and thrashed out without mincing of words. Decisions that counted for pure living were taken.
Duke ministered to BOTH CORPORATES in Big Cities AND CHURCH BELIEVERS IN Small Towns in 2011
In December 2011, Duke shared a persuasive Gospel message to about 1000 corporate company employees in a College auditorium in Bangalore in an event organized by Synergy. That Dr. Ravi Zacharias would be speaking in the same event in 2012 tells you about much about this type of event. Duke was honored to have been invited to speak in that event. And a day after this event, Duke was in the small town of Hassan, which is five hours drive, preaching in a church of first generation believers, encouraging and challenging them from the Christmas narrative.
Duke ministered BOTH at HOME in Hyderabad and AWAY in other towns/cities in 2011
Duke preached extensively in Hyderabad in 2011. God opened the doors for him to preach in the Lutheran Church – the largest one in Hyderabad – during the Christmas season. When an altar call was given, there was a stunning silence in the church and people came forward and asked Jesus into their lives. Duke preached in an Assemblies of God event following an invitation by Rev. Younus Samuel, in Hyderabad in 2011. Around 250 young people from various backgrounds heard two of Duke’s messages on the city of Sodom in an event titled, “God of the City!” These messages were sharp, arrow-like and it pierced the hearts of youth. One young man talked about the Prayer Cell he started in one of the city colleges following the commitment he made in this regard following Duke’s second message in this event which also saw Bro. Edward Kuntam preaching.
Duke preached in OTHER CITIES such as Vijayawada, Vizakhapatnam (in the East), Madurai, Coimbatore (where young people came forward when he gave an altar call for those repenting from sexual sins!), Chennai, Vellore (including in the AG church he grew up in), Tiruvalla, Nagarcoil, Ooty (Avanlanche) and Bangalore (in the South), Daund, Lonavala (in the West), and in Ahmedabad (in North West), following warm invitations and flight travels. In Coimbatore, 1600 youngsters from all over Tamil Nadu heard him in the Bethel City Cathedral of the IPA Ministries in the month of January. His message from Psalm 78 talking about the day, Ephraim turned back, brought literally hundreds of youth to the altar. These youth were committing their lives for fulltime ministry!
Duke n Evan ministered BOTH in India and Overseas in 2011
Duke and his wife Evan ministered in Singapore in Feb-March 2011 following an invitation from Profit Fellowship. Duke extensively preached in events oorganized by them, as did Evan. The working professionals of Singapore were greatly challenged. “On for God on Your Offs!” was one message that Duke preached during this visit – from the book of Nehemiah. Duke also preached in a leading Tamil Anglican Church in Singapore in the Sunday Morning service. Evan shared a challenging word to the women of this church. The messages they shared were direct and daring. They were interwoven with contemporary illustrations. Duke spoke to the youth of this church on Relationships and Beating Temptations. Youngsters came forward, knelt down and took decisions that would impact them for life. Duke got to preach to a Telugu Fellowship during his Singapore visit. After his message from Ecclesiastes, the altar was full with rows of people committing their lives to Jesus. Duke’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeyaraj, took care of Duke’s children while Duke and his wife were away from India for this ministry.
2011, a year when BOTH Duke and wife Ministered
When Duke got married on July 9, 2001, one of the leaders who prayed for them from the stage prayed that God would use them like Acquila and Priscilla. That prayer had proved prophetic. It was not just Duke who did the preaching in 2011. His wife, Evan, also joined Duke in the pulpit ministry. She preached as many messages as Duke almost in the Assemblies of God youth camp in Daund which had 400 youth from Maharashtra and Gujarat in total attendance in the month of May. Her practical messages on relationships, living holy, Holy Spirit, melted hearts and molded lives. Back home, she was invited by Pearl City Church, the largest English church in the Hyderabad side of the Twin Cities, to preach on Women’s Sunday in the month of March. Her message from the book of Job was challenging for all who came – not just the women. In 2011, there were number of young people who called her up, fixed an appointment, received her Biblically sound practical counsels and left with a clear mind. Matters she helped youth thrash out included intimate stuff – masturbation, porn-watching, physical intimacy with the opposite sex, etc, etc.
2011, was an year in which we received from the Lord both material as well spiritual blessings.
In 2011, God gave Duke and his family a Hyundai I10 car! They have been praying for one, for many years! Evan’s grandmother, Edith Mary, a retired teacher living in a village in Tamil Nadu, fully paid for this gift. And she told Duke and Evan that she felt in the spirit that she must give us this gift because we are both doing the Lord’s Work fulltime.
In 2011, God gave Duke an IPAD through a well-wisher who does not want to be named. It proved to be an invaluable tool for Duke’s writing and preaching ministry. “Since you (Duke) are the only preacher I know who writes a lot, travels extensively and talks to hitec crowd and youth, my wife and I thought the IPAD would be very useful in the ministry. Hope you like it!” – this was the text of the sms that Duke received from this dear donor friend after the IPAD reached his home. The sms was as encouraging to Duke as the gift of the IPAD!
In 2011, Duke could spend two full weeks in a half-day fasting prayer (in May and in November). These times of prayer revived the spirits of Duke and Evan and refreshed them immensely. They proved to be a good time for self-introspection. They listened to the messages of anointed men of God to learn God’s ways from a different perspective. Dr. Billy Graham, Bro. Ezekiah Francis, Bro. Freddy Joseph – they listened to messages preached by these men of God via DVD, during these times of fasting. Apart from these weeklong fasts, weekly half-day-fasting prayers on Tuesday and on Thursday are the norm, for Duke and Evan. You will find their phones switched off during this time, invariably.
2011, a year in which Duke preached BOTH on TV and the Radio
In 2011, Duke’s messages were telecast by Heaven TV in the Kanyakumari Area of Tamil Nadu via cable TV. Duke went to their studio and recorded messages in January 2011. Joy Stephen, an IBM-er who lives in Chennai, came to interpret for Duke in Tamil during that day. Duke’s Tamil is not as persuasive as his English and still prefers to preach in English even when preaching to Tamil audiences!
In 2011, God opened the door for Duke to speak in All India Radio through Pastor Valson, the local church pastor of the Assemblies of Church that Duke and wife attend. Duke’s message on honesty recorded in the studios of All India Radio, weaved the Gospel into contemporary events (such as Sangakkarra walking back to the pavilion before the umpire gave him out in IPL 2011 edition of the bowling of Rahul Sharma).
2011, a year in which Duke travelled BOTH by LAND AND AIR TO PREACH GOD’S WORD
With increasing ministry commitments, Duke is able to take up preaching assignments in cities far away from Hyderabad only if the organizers would be willing to fly him in and fly him out. This arrangement also helps him to reduce the time away from his young family. In this connection, Duke landed in Madurai airport for the first time in his life and preached God’s Word to the youth of the Good Samaritan Fellowship. The Lord moved mightily during each of the three electrifying messages that Duke preached from the book of Ezekiel on September 1, 2011. Duke also landed the Ahmedabad airport for the first time to preach God’s Word in the town of Nadiad, in Gujarat. The Methodist Church youth had organised this event which saw young people come to Christ following Duke’s messages to them from the book of Galatians, in August 2011. On the way back, when Duke was travelling by road, God saved him from what could have been a very fatal accident. After finishing his week-long doctoral program classes in Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore, Duke went to Bangalore Airport to catch a flight to Chennai to preach God’s Word in the Corporate Fellowship of Wipro in a beach-side setting in October 2011. God blessed the Gospel message he preached to them from the life of Steve Jobs, the late Apple CEO. Duke spent time answering questions for about 40 minutes on topics ranging from finding God’s will to evangelism to Islamic friends in this meeting. Duke and Evan ministered God’s Word in the Gateway Ministries International Navi Mumbai churches in October 2011. The organizers were kind enough to fly the entire family of Duke for this Family camp.
With increasing ministry commitments, Duke is able to take up preaching assignments in cities far away from Hyderabad only if the organizers would be willing to fly him in and fly him out. This arrangement also helps him to reduce the time away from his young family. In this connection, Duke landed in Madurai airport for the first time in his life and preached God’s Word to the youth of the Good Samaritan Fellowship. The Lord moved mightily during each of the three electrifying messages that Duke preached from the book of Ezekiel on September 1, 2011. Duke also landed the Ahmedabad airport for the first time to preach God’s Word in the town of Nadiad, in Gujarat. The Methodist Church youth had organised this event which saw young people come to Christ following Duke’s messages to them from the book of Galatians, in August 2011. On the way back, when Duke was travelling by road, God saved him from what could have been a very fatal accident. After finishing his week-long doctoral program classes in Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore, Duke went to Bangalore Airport to catch a flight to Chennai to preach God’s Word in the Corporate Fellowship of Wipro in a beach-side setting in October 2011. God blessed the Gospel message he preached to them from the life of Steve Jobs, the late Apple CEO. Duke spent time answering questions for about 40 minutes on topics ranging from finding God’s will to evangelism to Islamic friends in this meeting. Duke and Evan ministered God’s Word in the Gateway Ministries International Navi Mumbai churches in October 2011. The organizers were kind enough to fly the entire family of Duke for this Family camp.
While travelling by Air, what a joy it was for Duke to hand over Gospel tracts written for the Google Generation which was republished after considerable updation and cool page layout work by Ravi Alamothu titled, “Bubbly Outside Yet Empty Inside!” to interested co-passengers. While in the Cochin airport in Feb 2011, Duke had the joy of giving the Bible and the Bubbly to a well-known Kannada actor. And when in the Hyderabad airport, Duke gave the same tract to popular Tamil actor Nasser! The cabin crew, the boarding pass issuing airline staff were also given this Gospel tract that presented the message wrapped around contemporary events involving Michael Schumacher, Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwariya Rai, Halle Berry, etc, using the John 10:10 approach of evangelism. Duke also walked up and down the entire length of the Kerala Express, the train he travelled on after having preached in a youth camp in Avalanche, Ooty, Tamil Nadu, giving out the Bubbly tract. We had orders for this tract in 2011 from Orissa and Delhi where it was given in events where friends without Jesus present. You can download the PDF of this tract at
2011, a year in which there were TEARS, BOTH in the eyes of PARENTS AND THE YOUTH We ministered to
When Duke and his wife Evan end their messages, they invariably invite those in the audience to come forward to make commitments for various holy causes. In the Daund AG Youth Camp in Maharashtra the move of God was so awesome during the altar call time. Tears of repentance were seen even as altar calls for salvation, Holy Spirit Baptism, fulltime ministry was given. In another camp, where Duke and Evan preached, something even more remarkable happened. The parents of the young people who gave their lives for fulltime ministry were in tears (of joy). “I am so glad that my child has obeyed God’s call and committed for ministry!” a couple of teary-eyed parents told Duke after he preached a rousing mission challenge from the book of Ezekiel in the Family Camp of the Gateway Ministries International Navi Mumbai Family camp in Lonavala.
2011, a year in which we BLESSED BOTH singles and the married
This year in various camps – in Singapore, in Daund, in Lonavala – there were times when Evan spoke to the singles in the meeting, telling them how to wisely choose their life partner, while Duke simultaneously taught the married (for whom it was too late to learn how to choose their life partners!) about how to live happily with their spouses. These message blessed and greatly benefitted both groups. What Duke generally shares with married couples appeared as the lead article for Issue 27 of G4 Mission’s magazine which was titled, The Wedding Knot For What: Discovering the God-intended purposes for each marriage. The wives in the audience were especially appreciative of this message! Speaking in a wedding reception in the grounds of the CSI Headquarters’ church, The St. George’s Cathedral in Chennai at Cathedral road, in July 2011, Duke brought a brief message which just lasted minutes titled, “When Jesus enters your home!” not only for the newlywed couple but also for the thousands who gathered for the wedding.
2011 was the year in which produced several new DVDs featuring the messages of Duke. The two messages that Duke preached in New Life AG Church, Hyderabad, on the theme of “Sodom” went into a DVD, the cover for which was designed by Theoson Kanagaraj, our ministry volunteer. The messages that Duke preached in Singapore, this year, went into two DVDs, the cover for which were designed by Ruby Evangel and Joel Joseph – two more of our faithful and skillful volunteers. We also split up some of the messages available on DVD and posted them on the popular video sharing site, One such upload was “When Shcumi Drove A Taxi….”. Another was “Can I Drink just a little…?”, Yet another one was, “Are you a Spectator or a Soldier?”, etc. We thank God that these videos have a steady stream of hits by youtube watchers all over the World. At the point of writing, we have seen 50,000 hits for the 50 youtube message clips of Duke available at on hot topics we have little Bible teaching on questions like, “Is is okay to masturbate and watch porn?”
2011, a year in which DUKE COULD BOTH STUDY AND PREACH
Yes, Duke did preach a lot in the 2011. The above paragraphs bear witness to this. But he also take time out to study. Duke is presently doing a course which will lead to a doctoral degree in ministry at Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore. Three times in 2011, he was at this college from a Monday to Friday studying along with his ‘cohort’ which included a denominational head, city pastors, care giver to those rescued from the Red Light areas. He took time out to finish some of the assignments. The article on the blessings that the Holy Spirit brings into the life of the Google Generation published in the Issue 27 of the magazine, The Days Of Your Youth, is actually one of the assignments of Duke written for this doctoral course. Thanks to a dear donor – Duke is able to do this course. God willing, he will finish this by March 2014.
2011, a year in which Duke could BOTH PREACH AND WRITE
Writing for the Lord remains Duke’s primary call. He had to say no to invitations to preach even in 2011 so that he could spend time writing. The Light of Life magazine, a leading Christian magazine going to about 20,000 subscribers, published his articles on hot issues almost every month in 2011. Indian Missions, the voice of the national federation of missions in India published Duke’s article on evangelizing the Google Generation in one of their issues in 2011. Duke also gave permission to websites like and G4 Mission was able to release four different issues of the magazine that wraps Bible Truth around contemporary events, The Days of Your Youth, in print.
Eugene Pandian, Duke’s contemporary in Agricultural Institute, Allahabad, now living in Bangalore, voluntarily came forward in the year 2011 to buy a website and design it for G4 Mission. That website is It will serve as an all-in-one place reservoir for Duke’s Bible resources for the Google Generation.
Duke’s book with essays on what the Bible teaches on sex, love, marriage and more, STRAIGHT TALK, published last year with help of another of college friend, Bobby Leonard, was distributed in 2011. In the church service that Duke preached in Vizag, all the 20 copies of the book that Duke carried there were sold. All the 40 copies of this book which Duke carried to Singapore were sold. Ruby and Danny, a Chennai based Engineer couple, who first met Duke when they were still in college, now help distribute this book in Chennai. We are looking for such folks in every city in the world! Call us at 8886040605 if you are interested.
2011, a year in which BOTH Duke and the Ministry Volunteers teamed up
2011 was a year in which Duke worked hard, writing early in the morning, late at night. But his work of getting the Gospel to the Google Generation was made simpler and far easier with the help of volunteers.
Volunteers like Eugene Pandian (mag wrapper design), Ravi Alamothu (mag inside design), Theoson Kanagaraj (Facebook event invites/CD cover/mag report pages/wrapper design), Ruby Evangel (mag back page/CD cover design), Joel Joseph (CD cover design), Santhosh William (uploads at, Florussel Sathya (uploads, and Facebook event invites), Hudson Paul (mag posting/base meetings arrangement), Esther Thammadi (mag posting/base meeting arrangements), Shruthi Joy (articles text editing n leading worship at base meetings), Solomon Paul (sms via, Prathusha Nakka (Facebook event invites n updation of contacts via, Priyanka Nakka (FaceBook invites n updation of contacts via, Fru Elvis (leading worship at Base Meetings), Preeti Iona (leading worship at base meetings), Adeline Anurupa (articles text editing), Steve Jothiraj (articles text editing), Fenella Prince (updating, Sharon Preeti (PDF preparation), Dora Sundari (updates at Bible Reading Facebook Event), Susan Luth (Worship leading for Midnight Monthend prayer), Bro. Christopher (for any help!), Ajith Kumar (updates at Bible Reading Facebook event), and Navamani Kingsley (magazine page layout/PDF preparation) were all part of our volunteers team in some ways /many ways in the year 2011. This team played its part, working long and hard, to get the work done.
2011 was the year in which Duke used both Facebook & Twitter to post ministry updates, devotional thoughts, etc. This way, prayer support was raised for the work of the Gospel among the Google Generation. This way, close to 4000 FaceBook friends of his were edified. Not only that. Duke’s latest articles, articles that wrap Bible truth around contemporary events, were posted as notes in FaceBook. 2011’s Duke’s hit Facebook note answered the question, “Can a older believer girl marry a believer boy much younger to her?” Duke ran an event which encouraged Facebook users all over the world to read through the entire Bible in 2011. Over 200 plus people signed up for this event. Testimonies like, “For the first ever time I could finish reading all of the Bible – thanks to the accountability this event ushered in!” poured in. Duke actively used Facebook to invite people for the Bible Studies and Midnight Monthend meetings at his base. His volunteers were given permission to enter his account and send invites to Hyderabadis who were friends of Duke on Facebook. Facebook also housed the CD Cover images of Duke’s messages in various categories like Direct English Messages, English to Hindi Messages, English to Tamil Messages, English to Malayalam Messages, English to Telugu Messages, etc. In 2011 we began work to bring out our first English to Marathi DVD messages. T he Google Generation speaking all languages must have resources to grow in and glow for Christ! The website, was also used by G4 Mission to send updates about Duke’s ministry in coordination with one volunteer.
2011 – The Year in which we used BOTH GMAIL & CONSTANT CONTACT to send mass emails
For most part of 2011, Duke used his multiple gmail ids (emailduke, catchduke, visitduke, postduke, dukejeyaraj, dukejg, donkeyofjesus, etc) to send emails on the same day to 2000 plus folk who had entrusted their email ids to him, to send mass emails with articles, ministry news, event invites etc. But at the year end, God met an important ministry need through Duke’s friend Bobby Leonard. Bobby bought a account for Duke to use. Through this account, Duke was able to send colorfully created mass emails with greater professionalism at one go. What was more, through this arrangement, Duke is now able to view, who opens his mass mails and who doesn’t and thereby manage his contacts better!
2011 – The Year in which Duke BOTH made flying visits and had long counseling conversations
2011, was the year in which Duke made flying visits to places. He would fly into a city, preach God’s Word without holding anything back, and take the first flight back to Hyderabad. There was hardly time for mentoring during such visits. But, at the same time, as the Lord lead him to, Duke made time for relationships where mentoring was part and parcel of the larger goal of interaction. In 2011, he was present, to evaluate and give inputs into the preaching styles-content of about 10 laypeople active in church work, who are doing their extension M. Div. course via Southern Asia Bible College at New Life AG Church, Hyderabad. Some Young people were often at Duke’s base spending long hours of fellowship with him and his wife – these hours were used to mentor, counsel, build and share life experiences. Duke dreams about mentoring many preachers n writers would make the Google Generation go gaga over God’s Word, in a greater measure than he was ever able to in his life. In the years to come, if the Lord would enable him to, he would be happy to start a Google Generation Gospel Communication School (or something like that!) which offers short term training on this very thing.
2011 – The Year in which Duke n Evan heard testimonies of God’s blessing following their preaching from BOTH ORGANISERS AND THE AUDIENCE!
2011, was a year in which Duke received testimonies saying “I was blessed” from both the organizers and the audience who heard him.
Here is one testimony found below from one of the audiences of Duke’s message during his Singapore Ministry trip 2011:
After a week of packed schedule of meetings with Bro. Duke, I was urged in my spirit to write a note to you. I believe that whoever attended the meetings were truly blessed. Though I attended only few sessions the amount of impact the sessions had on me was tremendous . In the first place, I was wondering why we have to have these week-long meetings. But my mind changed when I attended the PROFIT Thursday fellowship session in which Duke outlined the message of book of Nehemiah using the acronym N-E-H-E-M-I-A-H. It was awesome. The climax came in the camp. Oh what a time we had, especially the last two sessions when Bro. Duke was recapped all the Pillar Points, he and his wife made. God spoke to me and made the whole purpose of the event very clear to me. I am so much encouraged by the fact that GOD is taking our Fellowship into a new Level and giving us newer dimensions. I know how we started very small in Cuff Road (in Singapore). Sometimes 10 would attend, sometimes it was just 2 people! But I was so overjoyed to see over 50 professionals attend the camp. As I was speaking to Bro.Duke personally about his ministry, he mentioned one thing which put so much burden on me and rekindled the fire in me. This is what he said: “Though I am speaking and ministering to many professionals, my access to them has now been limited , for I am no more a corporate company employee. But you have the access card to your company – something I don’t have. I cannot enter the premises of your company to conduct a spiritual meeting or to witness for Christ. But where no fulltime preacher like me can go, God has given you access to go! Use this opportunity!" Oh, my God! What a thunderbolt! Let us go after the lost in our offices without delay! –A young professional from Singapore who was part of the meetings Duke and Evan addressed there in 2011.
Found below is yet another “We were blessed” email from the organizer of the Madurai meetings that Duke preached in on 1 Sept 2011:
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: jacob selwyn <>Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:02 AMSubject: RE: God bless!To: duke jeyaraj <>, simiyon manju <>, joseph balachandran <>, jacob selwyn <>
Dear beloved brother Duke Jeyaraj
Loving greetings in Jesus' precious name.We thank God for His grace and guidance specially on the return journey. All the pastors, and God's servants were very much pleased and confirmed that it was His appointed gathering for the Youth. many of the youngsters said they were blessed, around 35 boys and 33 girls came forward ( some newly accepted, some rededicated) their lives to Jesus, more over 40 of them committed and responded for the call of ministry. We thank God for His wonderful saving grace, and powerful word that touched many lives. All glory and honour to Him alone. And we deeply appreciated your consent to be with us, carrying the word of God, which turned out to be an immense blessing for the youth who attend. Thank you so much, May God bless your family and use you mightily. Bless you.
Pr.Jacob Selwyn
Gate of Heaven Good samaritan Church
Ellis Nagar,70 feet road, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu, India-625010
God is good! Glory to be his name!
Gate of Heaven Good samaritan Church
Ellis Nagar,70 feet road, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu, India-625010
God is good! Glory to be his name!
2011 – The Year that Duke n Evan ministered with BOTH freedom and with accountability
2011 was the year in which Duke and Evan ministered with freedom as independent revival preachers/evangelists/writers at large and served the Body of Christ without any denominational or organizational bias. But there was accountability too. Duke and Evan are accountable to a board full of godly, wise, people. Duke, in the board meeting held in Chennai, reported that the offerings received for the year 2010-2011 financial year cross 8 lakhs (Rs.8,00,000) for the first time while submitting the financial year report and accounts. The presence of Mr. Y. Silver Ramesh, a former State Bank of India officer who has represented the Bank in the US, now the owner and CEO of a non-voice BPO in Arakonam, in the board is a boon and a blessing for Duke and Evan. He was there present for the board meeting of G4 Mission. Duke’s dad, Mr. A. Jeyaraj, had these accounts audited by a non-Christian auditor and submitted them to the Government. The Government issued an acknowledgement upon seeing the accounts. The offerings for G4 Mission in the year 2010-11 came from Indians who believed in the vision of G4 Mission and those who were blessed by the ministry of Duke and Evan. The only two non-Indian donors was a Bangladeshi Christian leader who blessed Duke after Duke preached in Bangladesh and a Cameroonian student who is a regular to Duke’s bible study. All the rest of the offerings came from Indians! Offerings came via money orders to the tune of Rs.200 and online transfers into Duke’s/G4 Mission’s bank account to the tune of thousands. God is good! Every bill was paid. Both Duke-Evan and the G4 Mission are debt-free till date.
We inducted into our board, two more new people in 2011. One is Franklin Eden, a young engineer – someone who is one of the few to visit the first ever office of G4 Mission in Ashok Colony, Hyderabad. And Mr. Solbrekken Selvam, a physio who was one of the earliest to suggest that Duke start his own ministry where writing would be a main focus.
2011 – a year IN which we BOTH played and preached
2011 was not all about preaching. It was not all about ministry. It was about fun too. It was about family time too. Duke and his family went on a holiday to a town in Orissa from Hyderabad in 2011. They were hosted by the dear family of Uncle Moni -Aunty Alice and their daughter, Dr. Suja. They drove in jungles in thick darkness. They bathed in a water fall. And most importantly, Duke did not preach a single message during those 7 days. It was pure family time. Also, during 2011, the Duke family had inter-family Angry Birds (Rio Version) championships on their gifted IPAD. It was a time of great joy! Scotty-Mamta joined the Duke family in 2011 when they watched India win the Cricket World Cup quarterfinal, semifinal and final on TV. Apart from producing roars of sheer joy, this, helped Duke discover many more cricket based sermon illustrations which he used in many of his 2011 messages! In Singapore, where Evan n Duke ministered in Feb-March 2011, Dr. Jemima Samson and her husband, Mr. Samson (who works for World Vision) took them out to see Sentosa Island and many "sight for sore eyes!" sights. It was an experience of a life time!
If you have a FaceBook account, you would be able to follow this link below to see 12 defining photos of the ministry of G4 mission in 2011:
Our main weblinks: (new all in one site) (all in one site) (Gospel wrapped around modern event articles of Duke) (ministry news with pictures) (Duke messages video clips)
Our main weblinks: (new all in one site) (all in one site) (Gospel wrapped around modern event articles of Duke) (ministry news with pictures) (Duke messages video clips) (latest magazine) (latest magazine)