Duke Jeyaraj on the first Sunday evening of July 2011 lead a Bible Study summarizing the entire message of the book of 2 Corinthians for a diverse group of Google Generation youth from seven different churches at his rented base in Hyderabad. While talking about the 'pure bride' that Christ will come again to take up, in this study, he referred to Prince William and Kate Middleton.The hearers were challenged by a balanced, bold, blunt, beautifully-crafted study (Duke saw it fit to put the message of 2 Corinthians was put in the format 'S-a-u-l P-a-u-l' as it was the most personal letter that Paul ever wrote). At the end of the same month, there was a month-end mid-night prayer at Duke's the same venue for which a small group that included folks from different nations, churches and corporate companies, drove long distances to participate in. Theoson Kanagaraj, our volunteer studying in England, designed the invite for this rare event. After Susan Luth, a young woman working in GE, lead in worship, Duke shared the word from Isaiah chapter 54. It was certainly a joyous time for those who came to enter the new month in God's very presence! Duke was also invited by two magazines - the Indian Missions magazine and theIndia Church Growth Quarterly magazine - to write for them in this month. And Duke obliged them. Writing remains one of Duke's primary calls. Duke's article published in the Light of Life magazine in July 2011 was interestingly titled as "Kate, Prince William, Living-In, and the Bible." Gleaning out Bible Truths from contemporary events and presenting them creatively for the Google Generation, is one of the main goals of the Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission (G4 Mission), the ministry to modern youth that Duke founded in 2006.