Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Straight talk on “Hushed-up” subjects without beating about the bush!
A practical approach to topics such as Sexual Temptation, Boy-Girl Physical Intimacy before marriage, Life Partner Choice, True Romance, Internet Porn, Orkut, movie-watching, peer pressure, Is safe sex possible, etc in the light of the Bible, wrapped around contemporary events.

1. Shahrukh In DDLJ Wouldn’t Do It Even In A Dream! (The dangers of Premarital Sex)
2. What the Bible Teaches About Sex
3. Beating Sexual Temptation
4. How Far Is Too Far
5. Peer Pressure Sent Packing
6. The Master and Masturbation
7. Nuts About The Net?
8. The Hole In Nicole’s Heart Which Porn Couldn’t Plug
9. Is Movie-watching cool?
10. Is Orkut Obsession Okay?
11. Prudent Life Partner Pick
12. True Romantic Love
13. The Bible on Boozing
14. The Bible on Drinking Alcohol
15. The peril in PC Games
16. Is it all about money, honey?
17. Can I backslide for a little while and then quickly get back?
18. Reading the Bible Imaginatively (Case study – Genesis 39)
Will someone tell me what the Bible says on sexuality and related subjects frankly, without beating about the bush? If that is your question this book by Duke Jeyaraj comes as the answer. It is rich in biblical content, practical in approach, wrapped around contemporary events and written in everyday newspaper English. This book will make the Google Generation go gaga over God’s Word!
To get this book couriered to your home, send Rs. 100/- to….
Duke Jeyaraj
LIG B 316
A S Rao Nagar
Hyderabad 62
Phone: +91-9441352433
The following are the new VCD messages featuring Duke Jeyaraj’s powerful and practical messages for modern youth, full of contemporary illustrations, directly given in English between May 22 to June 2, 2007:
1. No Body Can Love You More!
Duke describes how Jesus supremely showed his love for you in the last 12 hours of his earthly life using 11 ‘s’ words.
2. Killed by God – But Why?!
A Character study of Characters in the Bible killed by God.
3. Beating Sexual Temptations
Duke explores three ways to beat sexual temptation including a detailed explanation of how God created sex and how man went on to abuse this awesome gift.
4. Answers to commonly-asked youth questions
Duke answers questions such as, “How can find God’s will in my marriage?” “Why am I not healed?”, “What does the Bible say about Secular Music and Movies?”, “What does the Bible say about Masturbation?”, “Why should I get involved in Ministry?” etc.
5. I will not be Silent!
A challenge given from Isaiah 6 as to why we must get involved in God’s ministry.
6. Finishing Fantastically
Duke talks about how we can keep the fire going long after the Camp gets over in this message from Paul’s life.
Each new VCD costs Rs. 50/-. Use the bank account info found in this site to place your orders. Or send an email to
(Testimonies received through emails)
Your message touched me, Duke!
I felt God speaking to me during the third message that Duke Jeyaraj preached in Summer for Jesus Youth Convention at the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad, on May 24, 2007. The message was titled 'I cannot be silent' - a passionate challenge for witnessing from Isaiah 6, geared to youth. I had to lead worship for the first time, the same day and to be honest I was tensed. But the message encouraged me. It was a challenge from Above.... “Don’t disappoint God. Be bold in what you are doing for God and He will help you!” I knew God was calling me to do His will. I started writing a prayer during the message time. It went this way: “I cannot do it on my own. I need you Lord. Here I am ready to do Your will. Have your way in me. Blind the audience towards me and open their eyes towards You and Your Kingdom. You lead your people through me as You want!" The message also said nothing is impossible for God, and this strengthened me, and I said " I’ m gonna give You the best, Lord" Thank God, for such a powerful, encouraging message – it was a blessing!
-Sarah Gracy, Hyderabad
Your magazine was a blessing, Duke!
Hi Duke, Two Sundays back you gave me the magazine you write for, The Days of Your Youth in the New Life AG church, Hyderabad. That issue had two articles on choosing one’s life partner. These articles were a blessing for me. Do you have a softcopy of the same? Or incase I need more of it how can I collect it from you? I'd like to share it will some friends here at the prayer group I have in my company (a MNC).
- a young woman who works in one of the leading MNCs in Hyderabad
Your website is wonderful, Duke!
Hi,You may have been conferred upon so many adjectives about your gifts. I echo them all. -An young woman in the United States.
Today, I found myself browsing through Christian websites and I must say your site, is indeed overwhelming.I would like to congratulate you on the woderful work that you are doing. May God continue to bless you as you continue to serve him.The articles on this site such as the one on Anna Nicole Smith, the Playboy centerfold, 20 Excuses Young People Give To Marry An Unbeliever (just to name a few) really touched my heart. Had I been equipped with this kind of stuff when I was still a teen, I wouldn't have made the choices that I did then. But now that God, through His grace, has given me this opportunity to touch other people's lives by distributing this magazine to my friends and neighbors, I am grabbing it with both hands. Let me put it this way: I am currently living in a town where moral values are in lack and I know that this magazine, through God's help, will surely touch lives here in my town.
- Fatima Madinga, Pretoria, South Africa
The Days of Your Youth is the magazine published by G-4 Mission

This magazine serves as the voice of Grabbing the Gadget Generation from Gehenna Mission (G Power 4 Mission) – an interdenominational youth organization founded by Duke Jeyaraj in February 2006. Its vision is to crisply and captivatingly connect the world of yahoo Youth with the Word of Yahweh so that young people would remember their creator in the days of their youth. Its burden is to make unchanging Word of God relevant to the fast-changing World of Youth. G Power 4 Mission is funded by the freewill offerings/donations of individual Indians interested in the fulfillment of the above-mentioned vision and goal
Subscription for this magazine
The subscription for this magazine is just Rs.100/- for readers within India (and $10 for readers outside India). You will get at least 6 issues per year when you subscribe. Life subscription is Rs.1000/- .
The Address to send the subscription
The address for sending the subscriptions and posting money orders is as follows:
The Days Of Your Youth,
C/0 Duke Jeyaraj, LIG-B-316,
Dr. A. S. Rao Nagar, Hyderabad 500 062,
Telephone: +91-9441352433 or + 91-9440327922
Online transfer information
All DDs may be drawn on any Hyderabad branch of any bank in favor of “Duke Jeyaraj”. Some of you may find it easier to do an online money transfer in the name of “Duke Jonathan G. Jeyaraj” ICICI Bank A/c. Number 024401000969. Or walk-in to any ICICI branch in India and do a cash deposit in the same account. If you do so, the money you sent, will reach us, in two hours time. Send a SMS to +91-9441352433 after such a transfer, so that you can receive an acknowledgement.
Editorial Team
Shruti Joy
Evangelin Duke
Steve Jothiraj
Photo Fishing for the magazine
Florussel Sathya (She has shot some pictures in this magazine as well)
Students of Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, who call themselves COSEK (Chosen for the Operation of Salvation and Expansion of God's Kingdom) invited Duke to preach in Tiruchy to group of over 200 students. Youth who were not from Karunya were also there in this meeting held in a farm house near Tiruchy, the most centrally located town in Tamil Nadu. In his first session, Duke shared a challenge from Daniel's life using the acronym DANIEL itself. The youth were forearmed as to what to expect in the corporate world and how they could live for Jesus there. In his second talk, he answered common questions youth ask on topics ranging from Marriage to Masturbation, Healing to Harvest Work! The youth testified to the clarity and authority of the answers given. In his final talk, Duke, explained to the youth how they could keep the fire going after the camp was over in his message from Paul's life titled, "Finishing Fantastically". A record sale of literatures and CDs produced by G-4 Mission followed. Evangelist-Singer Freddy Joseph, the co-preacher in this camp, promoted these literatures and CDs featuring Duke's messages.
Duke was asked to preach God's Word by Hyderabad Coordinator of Youth for Christ, Mr. Ebenezer, in the Youth for Christ camp at the AP AG Bible College in Miyapur, Hyderabad, India. Over 100 youth attended. Duke preached three messages. The first one was on The Days of the Lord. Several young people committed their lives to Christ following that message. The second talk Duke gave was on word pictures found in the book of Revelation. Duke used them to challenge youth for daily Bible reading and regular fellowship. One young person walked up to Duke to say, he was cut at heart after that talk. The final talk Duke gave was titled, " The coming that inspires our going after the lost!" Duke used the imagery of the two witnesses in Revelation to challenge youth for witnessing! Several youth stood up to commit their lives for witnessing for Christ. When Duke shared the story of how the first fulltime preacher of Youth for Christ, Billy Graham, was saved, the campers were at their edge of their seats! There was brisk sale of Duke's book, "Straight Talk on Hushed Up Subjects Without Beating About The Bush" and CDs.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Jiphy Jose
Well, just after my final semester of my Masters in Computer Management course in Jagdalpur, I came to Hyderabad to visit my friends. My brother wanted me to give some time for interviews which would help me later to find a software job in Bangalore - the city my brother worked then. So altogether it was not a bad idea, I felt. An advertisement in Deccan Chronicle, caught my eyes. It was for a walk-in interview for HSBC - one of the world's leading banks. Somehow by God's grace, I cleared all the rounds, and got my offer letter.
Initial challenges and discouragements faced
Jesus helped me to overcome them
Awards and accolades galore
Gospel according to Jiphy
(Jiphy Jose, works in HSBC’s Global Servicing Centre at Road Number 10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, and is Duke’s colleague).
Monday, July 16, 2007
G-4 Mission Ministry Report by Evangelin Duke
Distributing “The days of the youth” magazine, which has the Gospel wrapped around contemporary events in every issue, to Vijay Adhiraj, the most popular small screen actor in Tamil Nadu, in the Hyderabad Airport, when he was enroute to preach in Trichy, was an exciting experience for Duke!
The past three months have been pretty hectic for us with so many meetings to address, but the Lord gave us grace upon grace to do them all with substance and style. In April, Duke preached to the teens of the New Life AG Church at OM Auditorium, Hyderabad. He taught them on the topic, “Keeping Your Body, Pure and Holy!” A powerful time of total consecration of the head, heart and heels to Jesus by these tender hearts followed. 80 youth from Hyderabad and Warangal, attended the Emmanual House of Worship Youth Camp at a serene catholic centre in Warangal in May. Duke shared the pulpit with E.U.’s seasoned evangelist, P. C. Varghese. As the theme was on Holiness, Duke preached four messages from the book, in which, we repeatedly read, God being addressed as “the Holy One of Israel” – the Book of Isaiah. The young people testified to the relevance and riveting nature of the messages shared. When Duke preached in the Summer for Jesus Youth Convention at the New Life AG Church, Secunderabad, this May, he was speaking there for the third time in 6 years – thanks to Pastor Younus Samuel. The theme this year, “Live God Loud!” The four message he preached there were fiery and fascinating, loud and liberating. When a young girl walked up to Duke with tears brimming in her eyes to tell him about how the Lord cut her heart through one of the messages he shared, it told the bigger story about the impact this meeting was having on the 500 youth who attended. Duke flew up to Chennai, hopped onto a train, distributed tracts on the way, to reach the Tamil city of Trichy to speak to a group of Karunya Institute of Technology Students who had invited their friends from other colleges in COSEK 2007 this May. The 200 who gathered were treated with some fine practical Bible teaching on very essential subjects like finding God’s will in marriage, healing, witnessing in the corporate world, finishing fantastically, etc. When he narrated how he handed over The Days Of Your Youth magazine to Vijay Adhiraj, popular Tamil Serial actor and Harsha Bhogle, ace Sports Commentator, at the Hyderabad Airport, enroute to Trichy, the youth listened with their eyes popping out. Upon the encouragement of the other speaker of the Camp, Freddy Joseph, the youth lapped up the books and cds that carried Duke’s messages and articles in a hurry, hungrily. The sale for over Rs.4000/- broke our ministry record for best literature sale in a camp! The final Summer Camp that Duke addressed was the Youth for Christ camp which was hosted in a Bible College in Miyapur, Hyderabad that saw over 100 youth attending. The theme for the camp was “Countdown”. Duke’s sermons on the Second Coming had the youth sitting at the edge of their seats. What was more, their hearts were cut, as one young person who walked up to Duke, testified! Each of four different organizers of these four different youth camps gave us an offering! God bless them! Our prayer is that the “fruits remain!” Tracts – the reprinted Bubbly Outside, Empty Inside tract and One Day at Centurion Park, One Day at Calvary’s Hill tract - were distributed repeatedly at City Centre, a posh shopping mall drawing the Flickr Generation at Road No.10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, near Duke’s office. It was a small effort in our ministry goal of flicking the flickr generation from the Fire (You know which Fire I talk about, right?!).
Thursday, July 5, 2007